
And are you qualified?

by Guest33955  |  earlier

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Hey…I’m a Poet, How do I get a Job?

So, what are your qualifications?

“Well, I like to play with words.”

I see, what do you mean by that?

“I put them together to make lines.”

Lines? You mean on paper?

“Yes, thoughts, images, etc.”

Wow, sounds like fun!

“Sometimes I even make them rhyme!”

Great. I have an opening as a stockboy?

“Super, when do I start?”




  1. slay me...hehehe.  That's exactly how it would go down.  Fun poem, fun read...Well done.

  2. Baaaah-hahahaha! You funny guy!

    I will be thinking about this all morning as I embark on yet another new cleaning adventure! (Yippeee.) Oh well, the money's decent....

    Have a great day!

  3. That was Hilarious.....

    and we, the makers and ringers of sounds won't ever get a job?

  4. LOL!  Love it, love it, love it!

  5. My first day in the stock


    I must say, I dont like that push


    If you mock my smock I will clean your clock

    I could have been a priest but I was


    So here I am, nine to five

    Trying to keep this rhyme alive

    At noon and three they let me p**p

    Then it's back to shelving Campbell's soup

    It could be worse

    I could be in a hearse

    Riding in the back

    Or stretched on a rack

    Not one to balk,

    I'll talk, I'll talk

    Makes no never mind to me

    If I spill the frijoles

    But I digress

    And I've made a mess

    All over the stock room floor

    Tomato sauce and broken glass

    The boss just slipped in it and fell on his

    a s s

    Oh well, there goes my steady pay

    This stockboy job sucked


  6. Stockboy???? I gave them the same resume and got offered to push carriages!!!!!!

  7. try to get some references online. make a book of your best poems. go to a university and arrange an appointment with professors. you'll be sure to get your first big break :]

  8. Hehe, very fun read! We can always recite poetry as we stock...

  9. Nah - I hope a poet can get a better job than that. How 'bout a travel bureau - the advertisements would be worded in such picturesque detail ♥

  10. Artist's lament!

  11. Lucky me I can get my way.

    For I have a way with words, and a stunning face.

    My words and face in sync.

    Lucky me, for with these words and with this face, I know how to get my way.

    As they say, "It`s my way or the highway!"

    Shh That`s how I got my drivers license,and other things to, but don`t tell nobody! lol

    Thanks for the laugh Neonman!

  12. Poet.  In the scheme of career choices, that ranks just below "Philosophy" and just above "Egyptologist".

    If you want to make a career out of it, good luck to you.  

    Poetry sells considerably less than novels typically do, so getting a publishing deal will be next to imposible.  If you're good enough, and lucky, it will happen.

  13. This is hilarious !   You can always write on the boxes.

  14. "Hi!",

    "How creatively funny!"


    Cheers : )

  15. A smile and a pat on the back, starving poet.

  16. Writing lines on paper--sounds like an easy job to me!

    Heaven help the Poet.
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