Sometimes we seem to forget how simple it is to live.
Barney and the Bed
Barney was one of those characters
that made a town so unique.
A working man with little needs
his missus his kids a beer and a cig.
Now Barney couldn’t drive anymore and
I think in a way he didn’t mind
for Barney dined on liquid gold…
Usually the cheapest case he could find.
A simple man, the junkyard… his career.
Loved regaling with stories as we drove.
For certain, you could tell he loved his Missus,
and he loved the sheeted dance of night.
Now I don’t know if it was the beer or true
but the night in the trailer he and Missus had,
would surely rival any carni ride
as they were thumping and a humping
But he forgot one thing that night
In his haste to get some beer
He had unhooked the trailer for the Missus
And when the humping got to climax…well
The trailer popped up in front!
Now that’s a bedtime story
that I think even God would like.
and Barney laughed all the way home.
And to think, I paid to go to college
for an education in life!