
And i thought that girls are not shallow.. ?

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She is a few years younger than me..

Every time ....I have found her staring..and its not like its her natural habit.. she goes on and makes it pretty obvious that she likes me..she

is fidgety..nervous around me.. stares hard and long.. and fidgety as in not uncomfortably.. but fidgety as .. in my dream boy is what do I do..

But whenever I try and t..alk with her... she avoids me..runs away.. is sign of anything.

By the way she is 21..

why is she doing this ? rather behaving this way ?

Should I go for her?




  1. I don't think she is being shallow at all. It sounds like is either just really shy or just plain nervous around you. By the way being shallow has nothing to do with which s*x someone is. Try talking to her again a few times and if you have no luck then forget about her and move on.

  2. Wel.. Talk to her, i find it kind of weird that she is shy and fidgety and shy and runs away. Something girls do at the age of 15 or even 16

    if you like her and want to get to know her then you invite her out to lunch, dinner or ice cream or something i dont know. But just talk to her.

    and thats not the meaning of shallow!! she is just shy. Shallow would mean she only likes hot guys and never look for whats really inside

    Which im sure you already know. I hope

  3. Whats her being nervous have to do with being shallow? Anyways I guess shes just the nervous type I dont know maybe you should make the first move and go talk to her. By the there are tons of shallow girls out there.

  4. Huge difference between shallow and shy.

    Have a mutual acquaintance introduce the two of you, this could help her be more comfortable


  5. How is this shallow?


  6. She doesn't know how to approach you.

    And yes, it's human to feel attraction, and if you can feel attraction, it is possible to be shallow. Not only men feel attraction so...Work that equation out. xD

    But I don't think this girl is shallow, I think she's just shy.

    There's not much you can do but be open to her and keep trying to talk to her.

    She might eventually get over her initial nervousness around you.

  7. I remember when I was twenty seven. . . .I was ABSOLUTELY HEAD OVER HEELS ATTRACTED TO THIS GUY !!!!  I was nervous, fidgety, and had a tough time even looking at his face when he talked to me.  HE WAS THE MAN OF MY DREAMS.  Women do this, sometimes, when their attraction to a man is just too OVERWHELMING !!!  YOU'RE going to have to take the initiative and help her get over her nervousness so you two can get to know each other.

    Sorry. . . .but sometimes it's the GUY who has to take the upper hand.  And that guy. . . .in THIS situation . . . . .is YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    GOOD LUCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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