
And now Brazil is the responsible for the global warming...?

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Brazil preserved 70% of its forests, and our more than 65% of our energy come from renewable sources. But it seems that some CNN journalists are trying to find a guilty for the destruction.... But China and USA are too much rich to pay the price, don´t you think?




  1. CNN never blamed Brazil for being responsible for global warming. They simply reported that acres of rainforest are being cut down every day, and this is not good for the environment. Why Brazil? The Amazon rainforest is in Brazil.

  2. Which is the the most polluter country :USA!

    I think that answers the question!

  3. well in a way it's everyones fault. well we all use plastic cups aND AIR CONDITIONERS RIGHT? so all that  is causing global warming which is killing our selve basicley.

  4. Ahhh, yes, what BETTER spokesperson for the American ego than the largest international PR firm in the world posing as a news channel... Also, tsk-tsk-tsk, you are obviously not aware of the scientific fact that since Americans started driving the Prius, they are no longer attributing to global warming.

  5. It's partly Brazil's fault, but it's mostly other countries faults. I'm not going to name names, but if we destroy a part of the rain forest, the rest of it will collapse and we will see a serious increase in global warming because CO2 levels will skyrocket.

  6. While Brazil should be commended for its use of renewable fuel sources, this doesn't free you from pollution. Ethanol has deadly by-products just as gasoline. Because it is still a sparcely used fuel globally the full effects are still unknown entirely. Ethanol is a temporary solution at best and it is my belief that it will be short lived in the USA. There is already a buzz about food shortages and converting what food is available to fuel will only make this problem worse. If people spent half as much energy on the solution as they do the problem, it would be solved. Brazilians in general are not responsible for the fact that ethanol is used anyway. Seriously, in 1970's were you actively developing anything or were you sitting in a gas line like the rest of the world. We are all just average people who lead average lives and some of us like to get on the computer and blow their horn when in all actuality, they are slobs like everyone else. you know you are, you drive to work while sipping water out of a bottle that will still be here 2000 years after you are gone. I'm gong to guess that you have lightbulbs in you house. Are they energy-star? Here's an easy one, shut your computer off when you are not using it. Not only does this save money on the bill but it cuts carbon pollution. Stop waving your banner and do your part. Encourage others to do theirs as well. Haven't you ever noticed that we get more done when we work together, as equals?

  7. You can't balm just one person or country for Global warming because it's all of our fault. Every country contributes to global warming.

  8. brazil is not china is the number one place that causes the most.

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