
And now the fly spray question?

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I'm not originally from here. Where i used to have horses of course we had flies. some big some small. I sprayed my favorite fly spray on them and the flies stayed away for the day. but here.....I have just gotten 2 horses after not having them for over 10 years. (yes i was in pain from it) here we have these HUGE black flies. I mean HUGE!!! and they bite pretty bad. sooooo. i spray the horses with my fave fly spray and......a huge black fly lands on my horse and hangs out it i smack it away. It comes back....i spray it. but no matter what i do these things are after my horses. what can i use that kills tics like mine and smells good like mine but gets rid of these HUGE freaks of nature??




  1. OMG I KNOW WHAT U ARE SAYING! There are these huge flys exept mine r green. And they make my poor little girl bleed! i use ultrasound or something. my uncle bought it. But it only works for a day. But it does work. But i want to try endure.

    Oh and the ultrasound stuff has a smell, i dont really like it, chemical smells, any kind make me ill. Even the lemon fresh stuff for cleaning floors.

  2. sick my horse has those too! they're about as long as my thumb. i wait until it lands on her, and then i either smack it (but it gets lots of blood on your hands) or knock it down and stomp it into the ground. Get fly traps, fly stick strips, and use "wipe" brand flyspray

  3. those huge flies are called "horse flies" kinda look like thin black bumble bees

    try endure it works really well and yeah, after you hit them and they fall to the ground, step on them really quickly and squish them

  4. Try Endure by is the best I've found.  I'm not sure if it kills ticks, though .  I'm inside, and it's in the barn!  but it keeps the flies and mosquitoes away.

    EDIT...on sure not to feed too much...studies have shown that about 4 cups daily causes anemia.

  5. I like Tri-Tec fly spray.  

  6. I use Avon skin so soft origanal formula it keeps the flys off my horses, I just put a sprayer on the bottle and use it streight

  7. flies gain temporary immunity to a fly spray if you use the same one OVER and OVER again. Try switching fly sprays. I rotate between pyhrana, tri-tec, and bronco. this keeps them away. Atleast the ones where i live, and trust me there are PLENTY of huge ones in my area!

    I've noticed pyhrana works the longest and absolute best but so do the other ones (just not as much, dont be fooled by may be cheap but it really works , for me anyway)

    well good luck!

  8. feed them a tsp. or two of garlic in their morning feed and again if they have nightly feed... something about it gives them a smell or taste? that both flies and misquitoes absolutely CANNOT stand.. my horse will go bug free for the day but it doesnt last until the next morning so i feed it can get a biggish bottle of garlic at meijers for $6.

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