
And so life goes on....?

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Have you had some bloopers in your life? In my haste to reassure a friend, I said "It's okay, no jam done."




  1. Hahahaha. I thought your friend will not find it ok when he expects to have your special homemade jam and you say you didn't make some today.

    Anyway, that's okay. No fun intended (hehehe).

  2. Hahahahaha!  That's funny Miss Annabelle!

    For me,  I always mix up my spelling.  For example, "breaks"  with "brakes".   Anybody like to go for a coffee brake?

    Now, is that inviting people to take some coffee, or put a halt in taking their breaks?

  3. got lots of those. but no jam (oops i mean no harm) done so life goes on.  there'll be more bloopers tomorrow. that's what makes life a little exciting - to be able to laugh at ourselves.

  4. Uh-huh.

    When I was in college, my friend and I went to the mall because there was a sale.  As expected, the place was full of people.  Somewhere along the way, while we were browsing through the mall's shops, we got separated.  Then I thought I saw my friend so I grabbed hold of her hand then started chatting her up, nonstop, which was the usual way we talk and chatter.  After a minute or two, the person I was holding hands with blurted out, "Excuse me?"  I glanced at her and only then did I realize that I was holding hands with a complete stranger.  I turned beet-red, apologized then hurried off to my laughing friend.  Ugh!

  5. The guy over at red ribbon was so cute, instead of saying Choco Mocha I accidentally said Shosha Mosho I didn't realize it until later on when he started asking me to point out which cake it was.

    And here's a conversation w/ my ex-classmate about me asking him w/ what he was doing at the moment:

    Me: What's keeping you busy?

    Classmate: I'm taking up masters.

    Me: Really? where are you masturbating?

    Classmate: Excuse me?

    Me: (still oblivious to the fact that I said masturbating) I mean, what school are you taking up your masters?

    Classmate: Oh, at Era.

    After my ex-classmate left, my other friend who heard our conversation told me I used a totally different word from masters.

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