
And the jury says...?

by  |  earlier

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lets just say... MR.X appears on a tv talk show and admits to being a drug user (assuming it was illegal). can MR.X be arreseted? why or why not?




  1. No he can't be arrested. Their needs to be proof, evidence, and warrant.

  2. no if user not and if he`s a dealer

    and no evidence even his own words with out any proven data and warranty from the DA

    you cant arrest him

  3. No.  Speaking on television would create suspicion and perhaps be grounds to search Mr. X, but it would not be enough to arrest him.  Talking about something is not a crime.

  4. no if it was true Clinton would have been arrested. Just because someone says he did it may not be true,if he was read his Miranda rights and said he use drugs then that's different. If he was making a dieing statement it to could be used against him in some cases.Depending ,where and how he made a statement is what could or can't be used.Each state has different laws ,so what he says in one state may be legal may not be legal in other state.

  5. He knowingly made a confession on tape, which gives probable cause to arrest Mr. X of the crime he admits to perpetrating.

    His confession can be used as evidence at trial because he made a statement on tape, know ing it was on tape; and it is an admission of guilt.

  6. Sure he can, remember that wacko who confessed on Singapore television that he murdered Jon Benet Ramsay? The Boulder Police went and got him, checked his story, took DNA then discovered he was lying.
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