
And we still trust the mainstream media because?

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Palestinians stage a boys death and the whole world buys the fabricated event as "fact".

Since then, we have:

1. Palestinian "dead" getting up during a "funeral" and walking on video

2. Dan Rather fake Bush memos

3. Fake "beach bombing" in Gaza staged by Hamas

4. Faked Reuters photographs during Lebanon war

And on and on and on.

This is just the stuff the media has been CAUGHT faking. Doesn't it make you wonder how much else has been faked, expecially when it comes to reporting the Arab/Israel conflict?




  1. While you are completely correct in stating that these things happened I am not sure that your assumptions are in line.  Yes, the media did these things.  But, I think it boils down to shear stupidity versus faking something.  The news media outlets are so desperate to get the next big news break, they literally jump on any story they can get their hands on.  They are supposed to be diligent and check to make sure their facts are correct and that they themselves are not being dupped.  Honestly, they dont.  They are so competetive they just fire blindly hoping to get the next best thing.  The media isnt trying to deceive us, they are just so stupidly incompetant that they end up doing it anyways.

  2. I believe none of what I hear, and only half of what I see on TV.

  3. you barley scratched the surface my friend, what about global warming, and NBC with the big push for "green"  follow the money trail, GE owns NBC, CNN.  GE is the worlds biggest manufatcurer of steam, coal, wind turbines.  If this Kyoto treaty gets signed they will make BILLIONS.

    I trust none of the mainstreams, but the sheep, and lemings just follow along, the U.S. will be a different place soon.  

    PS  it was a communist named Stalin that said "control the media, control the people"  How many millions did his regime slaughter?

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