
And what about Little Nancy Pelosi - she, too, seems to have gone missing - has she died, too?

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Where, oh WHERE, is Little Nancy hiding out - does anyone know?




  1. Look in Syria, for her?

    Three years and counting of the Big Bad Democratic control... and where's all the improvements? where's the agenda for the Inner Cities?.. (the beauty of that Party, is simply sitting back and saying "we can and will do better!" when the GOP's in control.. but, when the Light is On we see, that the room is quite, quite empty). Blame the GOP! (of course) Believe me, the GOP has its head in the sand, too, but they don't sit BACK and BLAME the other people, for a living.

  2. She and The other Democrats are in hiding so they don't have to answer those extremely hard questions that the people that put them in office want to ask..........Like where are all your political promises that you were going to do when we voted for you??? You promised to get lower gas prices it was $2.55 when you went in just how is $5.00 lower??????    Explain that and other questions when we get our hands on you............

  3. Nancy is not hiding.  They just stopped showing her on TV cause everyone is sick of looking at her face.

  4. Congress has taken its summer recess.  She's probably on vacation with family.

  5. After all the work  this Congress got done this session, they are taking a much needed break. Is their 10 minutes up yet?

  6. Please stop the this sexist rant.  She is working in Congress. Nancy Pelosi is a congress woman, there is no 'little' in her title.  Your asking the same silly questions all over YA.

  7. she is hiding

    because not one of her promises came true.

  8. No.

    Don't think so.

    Still scratching her head.

    On what went wrong out there.

    Still wondering what had been missed out from school.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  9. If so, the media doesn't know about it.  Maybe she's on a family vacation, instead of looking for an open mike.  Are you going to go through the entire list of Congressional Democrats with your silly remarks?  (10 points, please)

  10. She's in SanFran  "Hoping for Change"

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