
And what are some of your personal accurate experiences w/parapsychology?

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  1. well, this isnt much, but its the most recent thing i have experienced.  just last week, i went on a retreat, and we came up to this log cabin where we would be staying, and as soon as i saw it, it remembered it from a dream i had had about four years ago.  the whole day played out more or less exactally like the dream had.  except you know how dreams can get twisted, and unrealistic? it was like someone had took my dream, and untwisted it into reality and showed me what the experience was really like.

    it was just strange...

    sorta like what Partick said... (1st answerer)

  2. Some may never believe...

    i was driving along a highway  that road workers were still constructing  so the traffic was travelling slowly when i saw a worker pored grey material out of a clear plastic bag in front of, and from my view onto the actual cars travelling along the road.  i noticed this about when i was five cars behind this event, when the bag and the grey material disappeared.  It seem the person with the bag responded to this event.  As i passed their road construction equipment i noticed that each piece of their equipment was spay painted with the words "f***  you"  which seened strange that they would take equipment out the yard with this on it.   This happened on October  23 2002 at about 11.00 am on the Roe highway.

    Something from somewhere that Telsa may have started... 11.5 lines down

    "and lastly remove something right out of its place in time and space faster than the speed of light, without any detectable warning by crossing 2 or more beams with each other and any target can be aimed at even right through to the opposite side of the earth."

  3. experienced lucid precognition(saw the future will sleeping)

    accurate to every detail including words

  4. hi harold, ive had quite a few, but theres one i want to share, which i havent having a dream that came true (only a small experience) this year my cat of over 20 years old, got cancer on her ear and it became a huge ball of scabby skin, as she kept picking at it..anyway i took her to the vet, and because of her age they suggested to put her down, and i told them NO they have to try and save her...they told me that she might not wake up from being put to sleep, as it was going to be a big i left her there, praying she would make it....that night i had a dream (very vivid) that i saw her sitting in the pot plant, she had no cancer and was happy...when i woke up i was worried i thought it was a dream telling me she was going to pass away and be pain free and peaceful...the vet kept her for about 5 days before they operated, and every day i was so nervous and scared..and specially remembering the dream, thinking it was going to be her after she died....on day 6 they operated and rang me to come and pick her up, she was fine...i cannt begin to tell you how happy i was to have her back home, and free of pain, they had to remove her whole ear...about a week later, when she had gotten over it and became happy and back to been peaceful...i walked outside and there she was sitting in the same pot plant looking exactly like she did in my dream....i had never seen her sitting in the pot plant before....the dream was telling me she,d be ok and happy again, not her dying....i couldnt believe my eyes when i saw that, i just stared at her, and remembering the dream...EXACTLY the same..and i got like a deja vu feeling.....

  5. I have tried to use PK and ESP very briefly, with no positive result.

  6. As a member of the Star Gate government remote viewing program, I was asked on May 15, 1987, to do what is called an "open search" remote viewing session.   I was given an arbitrary set of numbers as a cue to start the session.  The numbers were linked to the intention that I describe any event in the next few days that was important for the US government to know.  However, I was kept blind to that intention.  In the course of my remote viewing, I described a warship being struck and seriously damaged by a missile, then catching on fire.  I described the setting as being at night, in a sea that was surrounded on at least two sides by flat sandy land.   Fifty hours after my remote viewing, the frigate USS Stark while sailing at night in the Persian Gulf was struck by Exocet missiles fired from an Iraqi jet fighter, seriously damaged, and set on fire.  This remote viewing session is documented in my book "Reading the Enemy's Mind," in documentaries produced for the History Channel and for the A&E network, and in papers contained in the CIA's Star Gate Program archives, which have recently been released to the public.

  7. Al..... could you please clarify? Started out as a somewhat interesting story and then you lost all of us....

    You are asking for personal ACCURATE experiences.... what does that mean EXACTLY? We (atleast most of us) want to tell the truth without embellishment and to the best of our memory. I have seen ghosts, spirits, heard things, lost things, found things, taped accidental EVP's, lived among them, predicted things including 9/11 (24 hours to the second before it happened) and then a few weeks later Bell Harbor, and then again with the  same 24 hour notice, the small plane that hit a building in NYC last year. What can I tell you? I believe because it has happened to me and I try to be skeptical. I do not mind if someone doubts me or points out some other reason for what has happened. I saw a UFO once which I found out 20 years after I saw it was a stealth in testing. The public was not aware that a stealth existed in those days and it emitted colors that were not in existence  yet. These colors are on every childs toys now , but the closest we had to them was day glow dolors and that did not come close to the vibrancy of what my friend and I saw. I was glad to have a logical explaination for that.

  8. Extra-Sensory Perception & Precognition,

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