
And what is your opinion about the bullring in madrid??

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And what is your opinion about the bullring in madrid??




  1. As a military brat, I lived in Madrid for several years, and to be honest, I thought the Plaza de Toros in San Sebastion was better. It was not built in the same style as the ring in Madrid, more open and easier to find parking. Not to mention, the beer was cheaper...

  2. When I had just finished my first year of college, my father took me to Madrid and we went there.  The activity was his choice.  Truly, it was one of the saddest things I have ever seen.  Why?  Not just because the animals were killed, but because they were provoked to act out - they didn't do it naturally.  When the bulls first came out, they ran to the middle of the circle, looked around, and swished their tails a little bit.  They reminded me of my dog when he wants to play.  They were not acting dangerous in ANY WAY.  Then the horse riders poked them and prodded them and stabbed them with sticks until they realized they were in danger and tried to defend/protect themselves.  That was the only reason they would "fight back."  It was terribly sad.  The animals would often give up and they would just get poked and stabbed more.  Eventually they were killed, the "murderer" was cheered, and they were dragged off in the dirt.  :o(  I can still picture everything perfectly and it has been ten years since I went.  Very, very sad.

  3. its sad. its a monument of how people can be so exhilirated at the sight of murdering animals. :(

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