
And why has this temperature station analysis not been addressed in the media or by the pro-warmers?

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It's quite interesting how so-called 'global warming' virtually disappears when surface monitoring stations located in urban locations are taken out of the data. The Urban Heat Island effect has been removed and global warming pretty much becomes a non-topic.,%20Iceland,%20northern%20Norway,%20and%20the%20Arctic%20Ocean




  1. You mean besides the dozens of times it has been addressed?

    It's quite interesting how your claims are completely bogus, how the satellites show the same warming trend as the surface stations, and how 'good' stations show the same trends as 'bad' stations.

    By the way, your link does not support your claim.  My 10 links support mine.  That's ten to zero.

  2. Because it's not an issue. Instituting statistical controls to deal with such effects is routine in data analysis.   If the ignorant people who keep coming up with this fake "argument" ever atually studied basic statistics--even a freshman course in college--they'd know that. The fact that they keep trying to manfacture an issue is only demonstrating how uneducated they are.

  3. The 1st link (on the page you linked too) I clicked on was Akureyri (described as a remote station on the north coast of Iceland facing the Arctic Ocean):

    I then downloaded the latest data for this station from the GISS dataset located here:

    I then computed a trend-line for the entire period from 1882 - 2008. It showed a warming trend of 0.12 C/decade for the entire 126 year period. But when I computed the most recent 30-year trend-line (1978 - 2007) it showed a whopping warming rate of 0.56 C/decade!!!!

    So it looks like your own link clearly demonstrates that there is rapid warming in the northern regions and they are independent of any Urban Heat Island effect.

  4. The media and the believers are in the same boat.  Their incomes both depend on how much they can scare the public.

    "Global Warming" is a theory that is in search of data that proves the idea.  Any data that supports the concept of "global warming" is kept while data that dismisses the idea is tossed out or ignored.

    Never forget that "global warming" is a very selective "science".

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