
And with a durex condom 2 weeks ago with someone other tha?

by  |  earlier

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had protected s*x with a magmum condom 3 weeks ago and with a durex condom 2 weeks ago with someone other than my girlfriend. I felt kinda sore like a strain in the back of my scortum. I then had unprotected s*x with my girlfriend and a few days later she says she had light lower abdominal (near pelvic area) Now she has a fever. Do we have an STD?




  1. You guys should see a doctor ASAP.  

  2. it is a possibility...either u both have an STD or she has PID(pelvic inflammatory disease)...both of u need 2 go 2 the doc & u need 2 inform that other person because with or without a condom, there is always a chance of contracting an STD...

  3. yep

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