
Anderson Silva VS James Irvin, Who's your pick for this upcoming fight?

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Who's your pick and why?

Mine is Silva. The guy is lethal and proved it in the 185lb division and plus his normal weight is usually 210lbs.

Don't say something stupid like "because he sucks"




  1. Spider all day! Irvens a sharp fighter, but hes going against the SPIDER. And when the Spider fights, its always has been and it is always going to be Spider all day no matter who it is.

  2. i rooting for silva, but there both knockout artists so it's going to be nuts.

  3. i give it to irvin he has good knockout power and i think if he preasures anderson he can win

  4. irvin is out classed but might get lucky????? its mma!!!!!!! that one thing that makes it fun to watch

  5. Silva will wake threw him. Early round two KO

  6. Anderson Silva I'd say )***

  7. The spider will win by murder... I mean come on he beat the former best middle weight ever (Rich Franklin) so bad that he had to get his nose reconstruckded

  8. james irvin

  9. Easily Silva.  Silva has a proven track record, legit boxing skills(pro Level), Legit Muay-Thai.  While Irvin has absolutely no boxing whatsoever, and absolutely no Muay-Thai.  Irvin is a brawler, might get lucky with one punch but will either get knocked out by a combo that is followed up by uppercuts, or get tagged start to run, Silva will clinch knee his hips, and kidney and knock him out with uppercuts, or put him down like a sick dog and put on a display of jabs and combos that will produce a gruesome affect belonging in a horror movie!

  10. Anderson Silva NO contest.  He's absolutely gonna destroy James Irvin.  I don't think anyone can strike with Silva.  If it goes to the ground which it probably won't Silva is a blackbelt in BJJ.

  11. Silva will out class Irvin in every aspect of the game-whether it's stand up or ground.  I see this fight as being reminiscent of the second Silva.Vs Franklin fight

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