
Andrew Johns got married today?

by  |  earlier

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And the menu was just Coke and Ice. Ben Cousins missed his plane trip to America and was seen speeding over there to join the party




  1. So he scored an invite did he? There was meth-od in his madness. That is crystal clear. Do we have to really re-hash these old puns? You'll be calling them Mr & Mrs Joint next. Anyway we should just wish them all the hempiness in the world. Maybe Ben should get married and have his wife enhance his performance instead! Or maybe he should take a trip to the US regularly so he can get high that way instead.

  2. no.he don't marry.

  3. no he did not marry

  4. lmao funny but kinda dry but i still give it a 4 outta 5

  5. Not funny!

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