
Andrew does want to take over North for himself as I thought, link from Herald Sun on line below?

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A story by former Age footy writer Martin Happell about a breakfast meeting between Andrew the Rocket Scientist and Benny Gale, I couldn't find it. Any updates or inside info welcome. Hope this is considered a question. Thanks, Merry Christmas from Kansas, USA.




  1. Ok the first problem is using the herald sun or the age or the australians footy writers as a source for anything.

    They get paid to create stories, and so often they are made up to cause a headline.  Its like believing something on Today Tonight.

  2. Dont be lead to far up the garden path by newspapers, best way to start a rumor is to write something about it in the newspapers. It might be worth listening out for any more news about it, but wait for something from the club before you believe the rumors.

    Mind you after having his ego smashed by the North board, don't be surprised if he makes it harder for the Roos over the next season or so.

  3. you are not serious are you, why would he want to be captain of a sinking ship, lets be fair dinkum here. he has a well paid job, why would he want to be a boss of north.

  4. You got to admit it he is kinda hot for his age. lol.

  5. Seen Andrew on the news tonight and he denied it very strongly, personally  i think he was telling the truth, he couldnt act that well, otherwise he's in the wrong business, we like to think the worst of people for some reason.

  6. Don't believe everything you read, especially Rucci from the Advertiser.

    On a separate matter, I want to know how you got the Geelong emblem as your avatar, I have an Arsenal badge but don't know how to make it my avatar, please help, and anybody else entering a response to the question, the badge I have is in a personal file on the computer, how to move so it becomes my avatar?

  7. I read the story in the local Melbourne paper MX.

    I think its all a bit suss.  Either someone purposly feed the media false information to rubbish him, or there is some truth in it since he is so quick to deny any wrong doing...hmmmm

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