
Andy Warhol...... I am a deeply superficial person!........... Opinions please i find it humouress?

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Humorous sorry.




  1. I love the humour.

  2. I agree with Gerald...he was a genius but he was also incredibly arrogant and self indulgent. He knew exactly what he was doing with the fledgling media culture and the image he was projecting...and being able to even admit things like that and get away with it makes him all the more interesting an icon.

  3. He was a very funny, astute guy.

    Andy Warhol was in the right place just before the right time and so set the trend for celebrity: Everyone will be famous for 15 minutes...remember?

    And, contrary to what is being expressed here, Warhol was anything but lazy! Look at the body of his work: designs, illustration, drawings, paintings, silk screens, films, publishing (Interview magazine is still going strong), a television show.

    Many more people should be so "deeply superficial"!

  4. He was a lazy, self-indulgent genius.

  5. meaning: you are not what you are within

  6. I totally agree with Gerald he gives the impression of not caring or being on another planet.

  7. He was probably on drugs.

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