
Anemic/Sterile After miscarriage?!?

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I Just Miscarried This pass week, [[wed. 8/20/08]]. I'm Still Bleeding. When Will it stop?? (on an average of course.)


When i went to the doctors for my miscarriage she told me i was also anemic.

Does Anyone Know How Bad It Can Get??


Can Miscarriages Cause you to become sterile??

(FYI: I was Only on my 6th week)

Please, I'm SOOO in the dark about all this.




  1. Sorry about your miscarriage hun my heart goes out to you.

    I had one in april and bled a week only but all women are different there is no time limit for bleeding.

    If your anemic it could be from the blood loss or you were anemic before you miscarried,you will need to eat green leafy veg tables meat and maybe some iron tablets if it gets worse.

    If a miscarriage is not medically treated some times retained tissue can cause an infection which can leave you infertile but that is rare

  2. I am so sorry for your loss. Miscarriage is a horrible thing to go through.

    I miscarried at about 7 weeks yet went on to have a son 2 years later and another son 6 years after that, both of which were conceived within a few months of trying so you can still have children.

    Anaemia is fairly common after heavy blood loss so try not to worry-eat some iron filled food like broccoli or liver pate.

    Take care.

  3. I too had a miscarry on wed 20/08/08 i only bled for a day and a half this is the second miscarry had another one last mth same thing only bled for a day and a half both times i was only 5 weeks gone it just depends on your body i guess,some women bleed for weeks but it also depends on how far they were.As for being sterile after a miscarriage i have heard of woman having so many miscarriages and still having healthy pregnancies and yes it is normal to be anemic after a miscarriage because of the amount of blood that is lost i hope this has helped and i do hope you fall pregnant soon.

  4. Sorry for the loss. I had one last sept and I'm pregnant again. I'm due at the end of November. I have had 2 other children previous to my miscarriage. I don't know anything about miscarriages making you become sterile, I wouldn't think. I would give yourself time to heal and then try again. Talk to your doctor about what you need to do to maybe prevent another miscarriage, but most of the time there isn't anything you can do, good luck. I hope things get better.  

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