
Angel sketch? how can i improve?

by  |  earlier

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can anybody tell me ways to improve this please

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  1. Make the right arm match the left. Add more contrast, by using a charcoal or just increasing the contrast and change the lighting. Add more shading to make her skin less of a sketch nd more of a finished, shaded work

  2. I would move the light to have it coming from above, and keep it soft.,  it seems to get too bright at the bottom of the sketch.

      The arms look different,   I think because the angle from where she is sitting they would look that way, one you are looking at more full on, and the other from the side, so I don't think I would change that.

      I would put some type of graceful drape on her, rather than nude.

    The wings are beautiful.

  3. that's really good! maybe make her right arm a bit seems thinner than the left one, and also maybe have her hair hang down more since her head's down. You did the shading very nicely and I love her wings! hope I helped =)

  4. ummm would be good if it was ur drawing...

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