
Angelfish help please

by  |  earlier

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I have a 30 gallon tank and was thinking about getting angel the tank big enough? Also how many should I get if the tank is large enough? Also what are good tankmates for them...I want to find out before buying them so I do not end up having them die/having other fish die :D




  1. Yeah 30 gallon is beyond good. Note: Angelfish are really aggressive so go online and google it or ask an employee at your local pet store.

  2. Sounds fine. You should get about four of them.  Some good tank mates would be:

    -Neon/Cardinal tetras



    -Harlequin Rasboras




    -Most fish with not too long fins

  3. Well, angelish do best by themselves. As long as your tank is at least 18 inches high, it is good enough for 3 angels, Keep in mind these fish get 6 inches long, AND tall! If you have your heart set on tankmates, the best tankmates for them are small bottomfeeders, like cory cats or kuhli loaches, no more than 5 tho. But no tetras or other small fast fish, as they miht nip at the angels fins, and the angel might eat smaller fish. If you do get tetras, you will end up with dead ones, especialy if you buy neon tetras, as they are the angelfishes natral prey in the wild.

  4. Well it wud be big enuf... as 4 fshmate... other angelfish...

  5. the best partners for angel fish are gouramis , discus, or mono sebaes.  

  6. 30 gallons is okay for 4 angels.  This leaves little room for tankmates, but 4-6 cories and a bristlenose pleco should be okay.
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