
Angels fans, don't start getting cocky just yet...?

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You guys haven't been arrogant all season, don't start now with the aquisition of Mark Teixeira. I hear a few people guaranteeing an Angels World Series title. Just keep a few things in the back of your mind here. The Yankees throw billion dollar team on the field year after year and since 2000, where has that gotten them? Also keep in mind the 1997 World Series where the Florida Marlins beat the Clevelnad Indians, the 2001 World Series where the Arizona Diamondbacks beat the New York Yankees and the 2003 World Series where the Florida Marlins beat the New York Yankees. Just remember David can most certainly beat Goliath.




  1. we could've won it last year if our guys were healthy

    well we're healthy now and we got the big bat to keep things balanced out and more versatile like the 2002 team - remember Glaus was the big bat and rest of the them were medium power hitters but were good hitters

    same this year

    some medium power hitters - Anderson, Guerrero (at this point of his career), Hunter and good hitters (aybar, kendrick) and now the big power bat in the middle to balance things out in texeria

    its doomsday for the rest of the league

  2. Well they are not cocky some people on here are cocky not going to mention, but i have not seen any angels  fans being cocky

  3. Right now, the Angels look guaranteed to make a run for the playoffs and might be the early favorite to make the world series but like you said, anything can happen and David can certainly beat Goliath.

  4. You are right, the playoffs are a c**p shoot. But I like our chances.....

  5. He will really help your team, especially in the second half.

    I am SO glad the Angels made the trade and not the D-backs.

    Chad Tracy or Casey Kotchman? Its a no brainer.

    EDIT, no the D-backs werent going to give up Jackson, so they were going to give us Tracy.

  6. no not kotch say it aint so joe

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