
Angels play well but they seem not as popular as Red Sox or Yankees, Why is it like that?

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I mean, it's team in one of the biggest city of the US.

They play well these years as well.




  1. I guess maybe because of their style of play: run, steal, bunt, hit and run, sac flies, slap hitting, going from first to third, pitching and defense.  I am a yankees fan and hate how the angels always seem to beat us, but their style of play works for them.

  2. i guess it's because of the history of the teams.

    red sox are the reigning world champions.

    yankees have the best history in baseball.

    if angels win a lot more then maybe they'll get as much coverage as these two teams do.

  3. As you may know, ESPN is probably the nation's most watched channel for sports. It covers all sports and teams, but some more than others. ESPN studios is located in Bristol, Connecticut, which is on the East side of the US, near where Boston and New York play.

    ESPN does not care what people want to see. They care about what people will see. They figure that a lot of the nation will want to see the Red Sox and Yankees the most, which is true. They probab;y have the most fans of any team. So that's why. They just want more viewers. And Boston and New York are baseball towns. LA is more of a celebrity place, where baseball is popular, but not as popular as the other areas.

    They just care about more people watching.

  4. i think history and the west coast bias are the main factors...obviously, the red sox and yankees have much more history than do the angels, both individually and against each other, and more people get to see the red sox and yankees because they play in the east at 7:05, while most folks can't stay up long enough to watch the angels when the first pitch is at 10:05

  5. It's simple really:

    The Redsox are the world series champs of '07, both the Sox and the Yankees have a deep history while the Yankees hae the best franchise in history. There is more media in New York and Boston. Both the Yanks and Sox have large scale fanbases, much of that compared to the Angels. The Angels have been around for a little while compared to Red Sox and Yankees and yes, ESPN has some sort of East coast bias.

  6. This is because they will ever get a full amount of respect from people like me who see how pathetic they have continuously been against the Red Sox in the ALDS.

  7. The history of the sox and yanks plus the small market that the angels play in. the media here in new york thats all they write about in the summer. we have the mets too so they get alot of attention

  8. i agree with you, but no matter what, no team will be as recognized as the bosox and the yanks. they are big market teams who seem to win a lot (although bostons winning began a few years ago while the yanks have a tradition of winning).

  9. Many factors, they are not the dominate team in their region even, the Dodgers dominate the region...they always have.  Nationally the press covers the NorthEast more than they do the West coast teams, their games are later at night and many people from the Central time zone to the Eastern time zone do not stay up to watch them play.  The Yankees and the Red Sox are the "historic teams" to many people where as the Angels came about in 1961 so they are a newer team. They are associated with LA now but they still play in Anaheim and getting there from LA at game time is horrible.

  10. They have much deeper history in baseball.  Besides being rivals these teams have been around much longer than the Angels, who just recently moved to LA.  

    You wont see the yankees or red sox moving to any new cities.  This is because they have a huge fan base that encourages extra promotion and attention on these teams.  

    Think about it like this.  Team A has been around for 50 years and has 100,000 fans following them.  Team B is fairly new and has 10 fans.  Team B is winning, but nobody cares! So where is all the focus?? On team A, they will try to talk about anything team A is up to or what they can do to improve versus a better playing team B who has less fans.  Fans=ratings.

  11. well they are not from L.A. only recently are they having good seasons.

  12. They play in a small market and really havent been around for that long

  13. LA is not a big baseball town like Boston or New York. Just like how you see no one at a Marlins game, they would much rather watch football.

  14. Because ESPN is located in Bristol, Connecticut. They adore the nearby teams. They are homers. I mean look at the Dodgers. That's a big market team and I have never ever heard the buzz around them even when having excellent seasons.

  15. East cost Baseball Teams always have a much greater fan base. Plus Sox and Yank's have much much much more history and tradition then the Angels.

  16. Probably playing on the west coast has something to do with it. A 7 o'clock start time is 9 in the midwest and 10 on the east coast.

  17. It is one of the biggest cities but the team is not really a part of the city's history. I mean I still don't even know if they're from Anaheim or LA. Also, they are a very quiet team because they lack star power. None of their players are in the news and whatnot. The Red Sox you got Manny and Ortiz and Yankees you got A-Rod and Jeter. Plus these two teams are in the division and are rivals. The Angels really have no rivals. They also don't play the long ball, which is what fans want to see. They use more of a NL style of play with aggressive base running.

  18. I think the Angels have a great team & are popular & I think the reason why New York & Boston are more popular is because they have both been around for a long, long time in the league & have a great baseball history & Angels have'nt been in league as long & became a good team prior to 2002

  19. yes they are playing well consistently the past few years (WS Champs in 02) and they have i think the 5th highest payroll so they are a popular team

    i think one reason may have to do with the area..California has 5 baseball teams (2 LA, OAK, SD,SF) that makes it hard for a fanbase to strive above one another

    also the angels never really developed as a franchise because they kept moving around/changing names and logos. Only recently have they been evolving as a dominant  franchise, and i think a WS appearance can do wonders for their fanbase this year

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