
Anger bad or good thing when fighting?

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Ive gotten in alot of fights here is one story .

Story A : my last name is mohammad this guy keep insulting me because of it saying i should go back to iraq and stuff like that one day i bacame so mad i punched him dead in the jaw and we both began fighting. During the whole fight i didnt feel a thing untill it was over and i dont remember anything that happend in the fight but the first hit i gave him and the ending of it wen we were on the ground and i had him in a head lock and he was stuggling to breath. The anger was the reason i belive i didnt feel anything in the fight .

Story B; I was play fighting this guy he got all serious and angry and begin fighting me foreaal the whole fight i had a smile on my face he punched me a few times and it hurt but i won the fight and made a mockery of him whle doing dances and going untill a crance style to fight him. I won this fight

ANyways when im angry i dont feel a thing but i forget all my my martial artrs expiernce and just go




  1. Anger   clouds  judgment  ,  no  matter  what  you  are  doing .

    In  a  fight ,  you  may  be  angry  and  win  against  a  less  able  person ,

    But   an  equal  or  more  skilled  person  will  lay  you  out .

    Anger   results  in  inferior  technique .

    If   you  fought  and  won ,   you   were  lucky .  .   .

    Your  opponent   was  less  skilled .

    How  will  that  go  down  with  a  skilled  person  ?


  2. You may think that anger helped you win the fight but actually anger is a weakness. When angry, you are frustrated and uncalm that you have no idea what you are doing. You gotta stay in control. If your calm and focused, you can end the fight with a less painful experience.

  3. Good fighters usually learn how to channel their anger into effort and use it to motivate and push them while not losing their head and not being able to think.  I explain it to my students like a water faucet that you turn on and turn off and this only comes with time, discipline, and experience.  Some fighters never learn how to do this though and that is one of the values of a good coach or good instructor and doing some of those things that don't seen to make sense but which they will have you do.

  4. Anger can be good, as it can motivate you and give you that extra something to push you during the fight. But if you let anger become the sole reason you fight, then you'll fight sloppy and tire yourself out. True, you might get hit and not notice, but you'll forget any training that you might have gone through.

    Not to take anything away from your two wins, but those guys were probably just untrained brawlers. If you fought a guy who knew what he was doing and stayed focused during the fight, it might end up differently.

    If you ever watch professional fights you'll see that the fighters don't let their emotions guide how they fight, they stay focused and stick to their training. I've seen guys who get angry and stop defending themselves and get knocked out cold.

    Bottom line: Anger isn't necessarily bad, just don't let it cloud your judgment.

  5. If its rage so intense time stops and everything moves in slow motion, and everything turns black except the person you are wanting to hurt, then, yeah its a "good" thing.

    If its just you being "pissed off" then, its a very bad thing.

    Its better not to get angry at all; the first one can get you landed in prison if people aren't around to restrain you, and the second can get you maimed by the other guy.


  6. anger is bad in my opinion. it may cause you to lose focus and make stupid mistakes in a fight that will severly cost you at the end of it.

    good job in kicking that dudes ***. he truly deserves it after all the stuff he was telling you. next time becareful, you might end up killing the guy and you don't want that to happen.

  7. if your on train its good because you just keep fighting harder but if you are trained its bad because you cant think clearly. so you dont rember any thing you were taught.

  8. anger is bad u need to stay calm so that u can focus and know what u are doing if u don't it will look and seem messy

  9. anger isnt good a skilled fighter but if you are just fighting some massive guy who is clearly stronger than you anger can be good as you will get slightly more power and you wont feel as much. but you have to be able to control your anger.

  10. It's bad. You need to stay calm. Sure anger will numb you from pain to an extent, but you can do that other ways like controlling your breathing and kihaping when striking or when struck. Just stay calm and breath. What martial arts training have you had? You should know this.

  11. anger is good if you can control it which 99%of ppl cant.

  12. I think it very interesting that this is in martial arts and yet you are describing loss of control in both instances (yes in instance B as well)

    What art are you in study or have studied that regards such ameless use of physical force.

    This sounds more to me like uncontolled youth brawl...

    Be cautious. Someone with skill will take you out smile or not :-)

    No offense intended .

  13. Controlled anger is a good thing. Uncontrolled anger, means that you are out of control of the situation and common sense.

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