
Anger problems.?

by Guest58398  |  earlier

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I need some good ideas on how to stop breaking stuff when I get mad.

I was playing a game yesterday and I lost and I got so mad that I broke my hand on the wall, Threw the trashcan up against the wall and then broke a couple of plates and cups.

All of this because I failed a mission on GTA3.

Any ideas on how to keep it in.




  1. #1 - you really need to figure out what is REALLY bothering you and deal with that ASAP!  That kind of a reaction from a video game is just not normal behavior.  Something else in your life has you real trigger happy and you need to spend some alone time with yourself and ask yourself what it is. And if you still can't come to a conclusion, ask AGAIN.  good luck

  2. You're addicted to the game.  Put it away and go outside and get some EXERCISE.

  3. get a punching bag. every time you get mad go punch it for a while. or punch a stack of pillows.  or go for a walk and forget about it. or just yell (you wouldn't be breaking things)

    don't hold in your anger or it will just get worse.

  4. video tape your self throwing one of your angry moments,

    watch it and you will see how ridicules you look.  it should embarrass you and maybe you will think twice before doing it again , if nothing Else post the video on you-tube so we can have a good laugh.

  5. When your mad, punch a pillow because then U cannot break it. But if U don't want to hit anything at all, breathe in and out and think about just how serious whatever your mad about is.
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