
Anger question? ?

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When i was younger...around 8th grade....i was alot more serious about football.....and alot more angry too.... i guess it was because my testosterone was going crazy....

but i play highschool football now....and i was wondering are there any supplements out there besides steroids that will bring back my anger?

If you took a supplement that made you angry, what was the name of it?

as a linebacker i need to get more aggressive for me to survive...

Please no preachings about how bad supplements are.... I've heard them all....

Just please tell which supplements are the best to raise my anger....besides roids...





  1. Using drugs before a game is a bit cheap. Why not try picking fights with random people before the game? That's the best way, and it's natural, no drugs involved.

  2. I don't think people like angry why be angry?

  3. there are no supplements for generating anger. what you can do is to have a mental picture. think that your opponents are have been bullying your girlfriend and you want to have revenge. mix the mental picture with feelings. breathe faster to help to trigger the emotion of anger.

  4. you can just play aggressive you don't have to be angry

  5. Women are always angry so estrogen!

  6. dont take pills. that could really be bad, get someone to insult you while your getting pumped before a game, then you will be mad during the game and pumped too
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