
Angora rabbit Questions?

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Are they difficult to raise?

Can they be kept outside during all weather(In a proper housing of course)?




  1. Angora rabbits shouldn't be difficult to raise.  And keeping a rabbit indoors is best, but if you must have them outside, in the hot weather be sure to provide a way of cooling off, like freezing a gallon of water and putting it in your rabbit's hutch, and putting a cool, damp cloth on their back.  Not really cold and not very wet though.

    Just be sure to brush their fur every day, as it can get matted, and when they l**k themselves, they could swallow it and get hairballs, and rabbits can't vomit, so the only way to remove hairballs are by surgical procedure I'm pretty sure.

    Especially for Angora rabbits, feed it pineapple or pineapple juice once a month to prevent hairballs, since they have such long fur.

    And in the cold weather outside, even though they have long fur, make sure they have shelter & protection from the cold.

    Other than that, they're not too hard to raise, if you raise them properly.  Make sure your rabbit gets plenty of excersize everyday.

    If you need any other tips or info about taking care of rabbits, click here for a full guide.  =]

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