Angry Birds Stage By Stage Guide – How to get 3 stars – World 1, Stage 1-1 to 1-3 – Part 1
To commemorate the worldwide phenomenon of Angry Birds reaching 200 million downloads, it would only be fitting to write a guide on how to get all 3 stars in each stage of the original Angry Birds game.
For those not familiar with the game and have just got their hands, or rather claws on it, here is a step by step guide on how to master every level.
While the premise may be a simple one, launch birds at structures to destroy the green pigs that stole your eggs, the amount of tactics and thought required to do so couple with a superb physics engine really takes hold of the player, keeping him or her
hooked for hours on end.
World 1
Maximum Bird Launches needed: 1
The first stage is more of a tutorial with one pig inside an empire state building-esque structure with three red angry birds. The red birds are simple projectiles with no special abilities, but they are more than suitable to get many a job done.
To get three stars on this stage the player will need to score more than 32,000 points.
NOTE: Every bird that has not been launched when all the pigs have been destroyed add a 10,000 point bonus each.
In order to ace the first stage you will need to get at least 12,000 points with your first bird as well as kill the pig on your first shot.
Launch the bird as hard as you can and aim for the bit just above the centre of the structure. The ensuing collapse should damage the structure as well as destroy your first pig.
The remaining two birds ought to earn you 20,000 points as a bonus and the player will earn their first three stars. Congratulations
Maximum Bird Launches needed: 1
This may look simple and quite frankly it is. What the player ought to be looking for is a domino effect. With five red angry birds at his disposal, beating the stage is not the problem. The three stars on the other hand, are a different story.
The stage can be mastered with a single bird. Instead of aiming at any of the four pigs or the structures that harbour them, the player should aim over the birds and hit the slope beyond the furthest pig.
The bird will bounce off, fly back and kill the furthest pig and knock down the rest of the pigs. While it is not an exact science as outcomes vary with each launch, keep at it, within three to four tries the player will be able to get all four pigs with
the one bird.
The remaining four birds will get the player a nice juicy 40,000 point bonus and his second set of three stars.
Maximum Bird Launches needed: 1
One of the simpler stages to master; a player can just launch the red bird over the boulder and into the lower half of the smiley face structure. The bird should roll back and kill the two pigs while the structure’s collapse will help in a couple of extra
The remaining three birds will give the player another 30,000 points and that is three stages mastered.
These stages were just warm ups and the players ought not to think that the coming stages are going to be as simple and straight forward. However, that is what this guide is for.
Article continued in Part 2…