
Angry Obama Supporters, R U Afraid that O'reilly will ask these Questions 2 Obama on Thursday?

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1. Senator Obama, are we winning in Iraq? Yes or No?

2. Senator Obama, is and was the surge a success? Yes or no?

3. Senator Obama, when did life begin for your daughters?

4. Senator Obama, how is it above your paygrade to not know when life begins, but not above it to end it.

5. Senator Obama, will you denounce the Daily Kos for it's smear tactics, after did talk at their convention?

6. Senator Obama do you view baby's born out of wedlock a punishment?

7. Senator Obama were you conceived out of wedlock? Do you view yourself as a punishment to your mother? I mean after all according to some, you are a gift to the world. You would not be here given this historical moment had you been aborted.

8. Senator Obama, you say you want to get out Iraq...if we do and Iran goes in...will you send troops back into Iraq?

9. Senator Obama you complained that corporations are going to invest in China...did it ever occur to you by raising capital gains taxes on American corporations and the wealthy that is exactly what you will be doing.

10. Senator Obama you said our infrastructure should be like China's...did it occur to you that China has lax regulation and building codes...that it pollutes more than the United another words Senator...lax enrivonmental regulations foster the type of infrastructure you see now in China.

11. Senator Obama, some say Sarah Palin, the VP for the Republicans has accumlated more substantial experience in 2 years than you have had in 4 years. What say you?

12. Senator Obama, Sarah Palin is well known for going against the Republican establishment. When have you stood up against the Corrupt Chicago Political Machine or anyone else in the Democratic Party?

13. Senator Obama, You were the only member of the state Senate to vote against a bill to prohibit the early release of convicted criminal sexual abusers. WHY?

14. Senator Obama, you were also among only four who voted against bills to toughen criminal sentences and to increase penalties for "gangbangers" and dealers of Ecstasy. WHY?

15.Senator Obama, also you voted "present" on a bill making it harder for abusive parents to regain custody of their children. WHY? is going to be beating for Obama...

I smell fear...among the angry Obama Supporters..




  1. Yes, I am scared that O'Reilly the "journalist" is going ask some hard-hitting questions to Obama.


  2. Well, from a non-Angry Obama supporter let me suggest that you MIGHT be projecting.  I have no fears about Bill O...he is a typical blow hard.

  3. Maybe O' Reilly is afraid of this one question. Any new mistresses lately? Please O' Reilly is a hypocrite.

    Yes the surge worked but we can not sustain troops at this level and if we had not invaded a sovereign nation this would not be a problem.

    Obama could respond where are the WMD's? Have we found them yet?

    He could respond by saying when will this war start paying for itself?

    He could say if the MISSION IS ACCOMPLISHED why did we need a surge.

    I smell delusion and denial among conservative.

  4. The sad thing is, somehow Obama will get through it with excellent speaking skills and  will mesmerize the liberal audience.  His public speaking skills are all anybody has noticed about him and have become mesmerized with his one liners and preacher like speeches.  I want to hear real answers on the hard issues...not just a speech on how he is going to change the world and change America...think about it people.  Obama has turned way to hard to creating an image...look at how ridiculous the DNC was with Obama's big stage display...compared to the RNC where the republicans didn't waste their time on that c**p and just kept the vibe real.  Obama is a bunch of c**p. Go McCain!

  5. Obama will handle all questions in the proper manner.

  6. Do you think that O'Reilly and Limbaugh really believe all the nonsense they shovel? (Hannity too)

    No- they are getting a paycheck for getting you riled up.

    It's a business.

  7. Very Good Questions.  I could only dream that O'Reilley would ask these.

  8. None of that bothers me in the least Obama can serve Bill no problem

    I am however worried about you everyday you post about smelling fear, I think with all the time you spend here you're smelling yourself

    no get off the computer and take a shower or something

  9. No teleprompter? This is going to kick a$$!  

  10. You're hilarious truly.

    I have empathy for you.

  11. No,1. Senator Obama, are we winning in Iraq? Yes or No? that is a strawman question, any reasoned understand of military operation and tactics understand that many other factors are at play in this not just a troops surge, the power play between Maliki, Al Sadr, And Al Sistani

    has more to do with success than troop levels at this point. all that could change if US reneges in it's withdrawal time line.

    any and all abortion related questions are pure wedge issue questions that are not pertinent, except as rhetoric.

    I understand your point but rhetorical questions, and strawmen are O'really's stock and trade, he has No other skill, so Obama must just play the game and dance the dance. pander and prance this election is the saddest yet for the reasoned citizen and aware public.

  12. Its easy for O'Reilly since he has control of the microphone--but put O'Reilly in nuetral setting and he explodes with anger (the example with Al Franken a few years back comes to mind).  

    The only people that will watch that are people that are going to vote Republican anyway, so it won't matter.  If Obama is given the opportunity to answer fully, he will undoubtedly answer each charge.

    Keep dreaming, though (especially with the Iraq war questions)

  13. Well I give you points for time put into this but I must say that Obama is not an unprepared and unintelligent person.  He will walk in there with confidence and surely answer all the questions and more.  

  14. Hey, clown - looks like you've started the new life ? Lost your previous ID ?

  15. I'm not afraid of that.

    What scares me more than anything is McCain thinks he is 'saved' and Palin wants to force Creationism in Public Schools.

    Sorry the world is not flat and not only 6000 years old.

  16. WOW, best question of the day

    I woul really like to see Obama answer #12  

  17. Obama is an intelligent man, unlike O'Reilly.  I am sure in the face of difficult questions Sen. Obama will be able to handle him self and provide decisive answers.

  18. You should write for Bill O'Rielly. except for number three your questions are right on target. I would also ask what is he going to do about the terrorist among us, North Korea and Iran- Syria threat

    Nice job and I look forward to the interview

  19. Lol, gee Obama wouldn't get prepped for these or O'Reilly's tactics.

    Darling, I was reading your profile.  A true Democrat or Republican would question both parties equally.

  20. It will be fun to watch.

  21. Why would I worry about O'Reilly?  

  22. I smell fear.

    They don't want him to answer these questions!

    Star for you hunny! This was ingenius!

    McCain/Palin 08'

    -Later Gator-

  23. I don't fear O'reilly...

    I don't fear Palin...

    I only fear the people that are still considering McCain for prez... it's the voters I worry about.

  24. I find #5 to be incredibly funny, since O-Reilly is nothing but a giant smear tactic.  

  25. Most of those questions are BS, which is why O "LIEly might ask them.

    He threw gooey softballs at Pres Bush for his interview.  I do not expect Faux "News" to afford Obama the same.

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