
Angry Obama Supporters, are you angry that Obama will be interviewd by Bill O'Reilly this Thursday?

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oh no!!!!!!!!!!! Say it ain't soooo!!!!

(Yes, you are doing an internet search right


You're soo angry





  1. Why should we be angry?  Obama can be interviewed by whomever he chooses.  I wouldn't do it if I were Obama but it's his choice.  

  2. Still pushing the "angry black man" theme to appeal to the racist core of the Republicon party, I see. Don't you ever get tired of shilling for Republicon scum?

  3. That's going to be funny to watch!

  4. Stealing lines from Bush is pathetic.  Not angry.

  5. I'm looking forward to it.


    you think you "control" peoples lives ?

    gee - someone has a God complex.

  6. they will be real mad when Bill beats Obama off at his own game!

  7. I'm shocked obama is even doing it...he's been running like a frightened school girl from fox news for 18 months...this will be funny...O'reilly softballs his very prominent guests though...who i want to see him let interview him is Sean can bet that will NEVER

  8. I can't truly judge Obama until he's been interviewed by all media outlets as they're all biased one direction or the other.  After this, that should be all of them and we can make our real decisions.

    I must say that the first round of questions from the Saddleback forum did NOT do Obama any favors.  "Discussing abortion is above my paygrade."  He's just so smart without a teleprompter...

    I can't wait to see O'Reilly pick him apart.  If O'Reilly really doesn't pick him apart and Obama holds his own, it may make me think there's more to him than a teleprompter, speech writer, and powerful orator voice.

  9. You know they are. I'm sure they feel betrayed.

    Edit: Your little troll is a joke. We all know the real you.

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