
Angry Obama Supporters, is it true...eloquence is no substitute for a record?

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you're sooooo angry....





  1. They have nothing to do with each other.

    You are starved for attention.

  2. It was really funny hearing Fred Thompson say that, since his whole candidacy was based on his supposed eloquence and folksiness and not his record.  

  3. lol, why angry? I have yet to meet an angry Obama supporter. Perhaps "angry" to you just means that they disagree with you.

    And no... I think Obama is very capable.

  4. Obama 2008 !!!!   nothing can stop that F.P

  5. no... it's not... and McCain's record and platform both support Bush over the past couple of years...

    and who can support that kind of record?

  6. eloquence is a sign of intelligence, intelligence has a greater history of success than ignorance, also eloquence has been known to sway opinions and unite people.

    in presidential politics record is not of much value except rhetorical, no job anywhere presents the same pressures, or the same challenges, the best that can be hoped for is good advisers, and unbiased non corrupt service.

  7. But judgment and common sense are more important than both when holding this powerful office.  McCain has certainly solidified any previous notion that he severely lacks judgment by choosing Palin.  

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