
Angry all the time?????????????

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Hi I'mm 14 and I know its not pms, its alot more extreme, like one little thing goes wrong like someone wont listen or something, and I completely flip my lid, all I remember is being angry and I can't remember what I was angry about unless someone tells me. This is really becoming a problem, also, I sometimes wake up in the morning, and my bedroom is completely smashed up, I'm wondering if this has anything to do with it. HELP???




  1. I think you need to look to the Ultimate Powers though prayer on this one. I really feel for you, you know. I've had anger: it led me to the mental hospital. Fear the mental hospital; it's a horrible place.  

  2. I would suggest you talk with a dr. about this.  Possibly you might suggest a sleep clinic, so that you can be monitored.

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