
Angry vegan, help me!!!?

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I have been 100% vegan for over a month now and when people find out they always give me such a hard time and it is really starting to make me mad. I can't just ignore it because it is such a HUGE part of who I am now. What do you say when you get so much negativity about something you truly believe in. I'm so fed up with it really.




  1. Don't make a big deal out of it. If you give them c**p about eating meat or get preachy, they're gonna do the same thing right back to you.

    If someone asks if you want something non-veg, just say "no thanks", and if they persist, tell them, "I'm vegan." No need to elaborate unless they ask, in which case it'd be best to just say "I support animal rights" and leave it at that. It can be hard not to jump into the "ZOMG DO YOU *KNOW* HOW ANIMALS ARE TREATED IN FACTORY FARMS???" spiel, but it'd be better for everyone to just skip it.

    If they still give you a hard time, tell them straight up, "It's a lifestyle choice I've made, and I'm very serious about it. I don't give you a hard time for eating meat/dairy/wearing leather/etc, so I'd appreciate it if you could at the very least respect my decision, even if you don't understand it." Those who continue to be rude don't deserve your time or friendship.

  2. tell them to shut there animal eating mouths up

  3. First of all, don't tell people if you don't have to and don't make a big deal about the fact that you have special eating needs. Like if someone invites you over to their house for dinner, ask if you can bring a vegan dish to share. Don't expect them to make a vegan meal just because you'll be there. Nobody wants to bend over backwards to accommodate your choice of eating habits. At the same time, you have a right to choose to eat or not eat whatever you want and there's really no point in disputing that choice. Avoid telling people you're a "vegan," as people have a lot of negative connotations associated with that word. Just tell people that you don't eat animal products and leave it at that. What you put in your body is none of their business as long as you aren't demanding that they cater to your choice.

  4. well you have to ingnore some of it. express yourself and tell them you don't appricate their critisim. If the truely accepted you then they wouldn't give you you a hard time.

  5. Tell them its your choice, and that they should respect you like you respect them for their choices. Say that your healthy, and if they have something against vegans, they should get a life. There is simply nothing wrong with vegans, we all make our own choices, tell them that your happy as a vegan, and its a good healthy choice to make.

  6. Just say "I've chosen to be an herbivore like u have chosen to be a an omnivore. I don't judge you for eating meat. To each their own." Something that shows we all have the right to what we choose. I'm a vegitarian & here things all the time from meat eaters lol. (We are healthier!! :) )

  7. I know exactly how you feel. I've had to put up with the same thing from family, friends and coworkers. I generally try to avoid bringing the veganism topic up. If it does happen to come up in conversation or at lunch time and you receive a negative reaction, simply say you are entitled to your own personal choice. It's  your beliefe and you shouldn't have to justify your morals.

  8. youre not going to change their minds any more then they are going to change theirs, so if its what you truly believe in just brush it off and move on, no need to give yourself an ulcer worrying about long as you arent one of those people that get all fanatical about things and try to push them on other people i dont see where you ought to have a big problem.  :0)

    people are meant to eat a variety of things, including meat, if we werent we would have been born with big flat  plant eating teeth like cattle, and with no need for protien......

  9. Kirbyish is spot on

  10. Because it's not a healthy lifestyle in the long run. Sensible people KNOW this. And it's also not "natural" -- human beings did not evolve from vegan ancestors.

  11. It's pretty normal to be angry as new vegan since you haven't been dealing with ignorance for too long, at least about your deep beliefs regarding animals. I was the same way when I started 12 years ago, and all I did with my angry self was give vegans a bad name and alienate people. You have to understand that most people just don't get it. They think of animals as food, and your lifestyle confuses them. The best thing that you can do is be positive, patient, open, and did I say patient :P You will help animals more by being a good example than by being militant and negative yourself. My mother, sister, brother, boyfriend, and several friends are all either vegan or vegetarian because they see how healthy and happy I am, and I don't contribute to animal suffering. It gets easier as time goes on, trust me!

  12. You're going to have to learn not to let it bother you, but you could always just say something innocuous like "I'm sure it's hard for you to understand, but I feel so much better now that I'm vegan...each to his own".  I was a vegetarian for about 8 years, so I know what you mean.  I don't think people mean to be cruel, they just truly don't understand (it's all that meat clogging their brains!).  Consider it an opportunity to enlighten them on the subject, but just make sure you're not coming off as angry (or judgmental about the fact that they eat meat).

  13. Just say to each their own and don't let it bother you. I know it might be hard at first but you do get used to the negativity and as far as I know it's pretty hard to  change peoples minds on the subject so just let it go.

  14. Are you being preachy and irritating about it?  Instead of trying to change/control other people, manage your own reactions.  If you are peaceful and joyous about your choice, then other people's reactions will not bother you.  

    Don't be an angry vegan.  The stereotype harms us all.

  15. I am what many will call a 'strict vegetarian' as I am not going to toss out my leather things that I own just because of making changes in the way that I eat - NEVER will I toss out or get rid of my late husband's motorcycle jacket.

    I have never had problems with anyone over my choices.  Never.  I live in Texas where you would think that I would - but don't.

    You don't really give any examples of what they are doing - but if all they are doing is asking what you are eating - where you get your protein - and similar questions - - see it for what it is - questions.  Take the opportunity to explain your choices and way of eating when it comes up.  Such isn't a negative.

    I also wonder how in the world they would find out that your vegan.  I actually get playfully teased about it - and tease the others back - all good fun, no one hurt.

  16. my coworkers constantly give me h**l over it and bring in potluck type lunches to "share".  i've started sighing loudly and just taking a small helping  of whatever meat dish they are trying to force on me, then dumping it in the trash in front of them.

    i am not about wasting food, but i am happy to throw away anything with flesh in it.

    i'm probly being bitchy about it, but months of trying to rationalize it have had no effect.

    i have found that if you tell the meat eaters that you are doing it for your own health verses animal cruelty (whether or not it's true) they seem to deal with it better.

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