
Animal Crossing WW: Inviting villagers over...?

by Guest64264  |  earlier

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One of the villagers wanted to come over my house and I said sure and the time was set to 4:30, today. The time I invited him was 3:57 or so. So I stayed on untill 4:25 then walked over to my house. I waited from 4:28-4:35 outside my house and he never came! So I went to where he was and talked to him and he said he came by my house and I was never there. I was wondering why this happened.

My question is :

What do I do when an animal wants to come over my house?

Where should I be?




  1. You should be inside of your house /before/ 4:30. At 4:30, the villager will knock on your door and say that he/she is coming to visit. (Either that, or you have to open your door once it is 4:30 and they'll be there.)

    It's real tricky, that used to confuse me too. =/

    Hope this helped, and good luck! =D

  2. Where should you be???

    In your own cage.

  3. You should be INSIDE your house. I made that mistake when I first got it. They will knock on the door and let them self in. they may not come exactly when you said but like a few seconds after so be patient.

  4. have a bowl ready with food specially formulated to assist in healthy development of your specific animal guest.

    you should be protesting for more liberal drug laws!

    I love your vagueness!

  5. You need to be inside your house between the set times u invited them over

    if u have a need to ever need help send me an e-mail im an expert on all three animal crossing for the n64 the gamecude and the ds and hopefully soon the wii! my email is thanx buh bye

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