
Animal Farm question? Please help?

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How do the animals react when they see the pigs playing cards with humans?




  1. Ugh I hate this book, but they are pretty much out raged and know all hope is lost.

  2. I have not read Animal Farm, but these links may help you.  Also, many questions have been asked here on Yahoo Answers about this novel, so if you do a search for it in the Y!A search window you will find probably hundreds of questions and answers, many of which might be of help.

  3. they get angry. the think the pigs are selling them out and siding with "the enemy".

  4. Animal Farm is a great book, but I remember being in school and not reading it.  So I'll do your homework for you here.  I read this book 10 years after high school which was about 7 years ago, so Im qualified to answer this profound question.

    The animals become suspicious and angry towards the pigs because the animals thought they were separate from the humans.  The pigs were supposed to be the leaders of the separation movement, and the pigs went so far as to make laws which were supposed to protect the animals and build morale.

    Seeing the pigs play cards with the humans began the downward spiral of mutiny among the animals.

    What school do you go to?  I'm at CSUMB right now majoring in Computer Science.

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