
Animal Ghost (?)?

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The following has been happening to me on and off since I was a kid (about 20 years...I'm 28 now). From time to time while I'm lying in bed I'll feel a VERY REAL sensation of a cat walking around in my bed, on top of the covers. It's never scared me, even when I was a's just strange. I've had people offer the idea that perhaps it's a pet that I had at one point in time. I do very much love animals (especially cats~I currently have three), but this began happening BEFORE I ever had a cat as a pet. It doesn't visit often, maybe just a few times a year. I've experienced it, so far, about 3 times in the past 12 months...the first time was while I was in the hospital the night before I underwent my first surgery, and recently twice within the past week (the first of those two visits was the night after I learned of a friend of the family's tragic death). Last night was the third time recently and I would just really like to hear some points of view or other's stories.Thx




  1. I don't have this kinda experience before, but its quite real, maybe you've visited somebody else's cat, and missed it too much and perhaps it was all a hylucination (dunno how to spell)

    or a cat died in that place of yours before, during constructions, or the last family that lived there had a cat that died

    or i could be a spirit of your dead relative

  2. I too, am having a presence of a cat living in my bedroom, i can actually hear her purring, and i feel her on my bed sometimes, there has even been a time to where the kitty has curled up to my legs, so to let you know, i am having the same thing happening to me as you are.

  3. I'm not sure where people are getting their information on reincarnation, how ever, the laws of reincarnation and who or what can become what is entirely tradition based. Hindu and Budhist traditions dictate that the arrow of spiritual evolution is always moving in one direction. Druidry, which is the source of Wicca, on the other hand dictates that reincarnation is not mono-directional and it depends exclusively on the types of life lessons that an individual needs to learn (or re-learn) following the completion of their current life. Druidry also dictates that reincarnation is not based on any form merit system because once you have completed all of the life lessons you need to learn on the physical realm you start all over again in the realm of the divine.

    NOW, that all having been said, lets get off of the subject of reincarnation as that has no berring on the issue at hand as by its very nature we are dealing with a DISINCARNATE consciousness

    The issue here seems to be the nature of the cat spirit in question. There were a few people that believe that it could be a spirit guide, or even the spirit of a deceased animal that has adopted you as "their human" both of these possibilities are valid. Another possibility is that this cat spirit is something on the order of a guardian spirit on the order of a Bean Sidhe (Banshe for those of you who dont read Gaelic) or "Guardian Angel" type spirit. The difference between the two are the Bean Sidhe are more of a familial protector and the "Guardian Angel" is a personal protector. The "Guardian Angel" type spirits aren't always Angels as Christians know them, they come in all sizes, shapes, spiecies and colors.

  4. I have felt this sensation too. I usually look to see if my cat is there,,,but NOOOOO... I let it go, If spirits are around, I ask them to let me sleep.

  5. This could possibly be a spirit that is trying to provide comfort to you or send you a message.  You mentioned that you have many cats, and so, it is likely that the presence of a cat (especially on your bed), is comforting to you.  A spirit could use the sensations and give you the impression of being a cat in order to help to comfort you.

    Next time it comes around, try mentally voicing a question.  If you are open and sensitive, you may get an answer that will help you to understand the origin of these sensations.  Just because it seems like a cat, doesn't mean that it started out as a cat.

  6. I've never really experienced this kind of happenings but I feel like this cat you are sensing is your friend. This is your angel that will guide you all the way and that it wants it to know that it is there for you always.

  7. its your mind it animals have no soul they cant be gohst red your bible

  8. Dunno if you believe in ghosts. I don't but the thing is  'ghosts' are demons in disguise.Good thing you aren't scared of it. Just read a few psalms before going bed. I bet you it wont happen again.

  9. It could just be a spirit guide. We have guides that take the forms of animals that are important to us. Sometimes they are totally internal. Sometimes they may have more physical manifestations like what you describe. Or it might just be something else, there are so many kinds of beings in existence.

    If Gene posted here, don't bother with them. They probably even wrote, "join us in the present century," as usual. Humph.

  10. i think that outdoorman needs to learn how to use spell check before he preaches the bible

  11. Firstly does your visits happen when you are distressed and in need of comfort? Secondly as they dont happen all the time - when do they? and third have you considered that you may hace a cat spirit that guards you and protects you when you need extra care. I have had this sensation as well. When I was little I could feel a cat climb on the bed and wander about like it was making a place to sleep like they do. this occurs on and off but more so when I need comfort and when I am upset or in distress. Years ago I was having a really awful time my friend suicided and I ahd moved and hated my job and this sensation occurred then I had a dream of a big gninger cat sitting next to e purring and I knew that it was ok. Dont be scared the world is a very complex place and sometimes things are hard to explain. Your cat visitor may have known you in a past life or you may have an affinity with cats - I love cats and always take care of strays - so maybe your cat visitor is a good thing - dont be scared you are being protected and cared for. Also to you sceptics out thre taht think this person is crazy  "The mind of a sceptic does not move. It sits there waiting for certainties."

    Cats are most revered in Egyptian mythology -

    In ancient Egyptian mythology - the Lion or Cat represented Creation - Lioness - Sphinx - her male counterpart - Leo - who has supposedly been in power since the Age of Leo - approximately 13,000 years ago. Bast is the Egyptian Goddess and protector of cats, women and children. She is Goddess of sunrise. Her goddess duty changed over the years, but, she is also known as a goddess of love, fertility, birth, music and dance. Bastet is a cat-headed goddess, a local deity of the delta. Cats were sacred to Bast as a symbol of animal passion. Bast's devotees celebrated their lady with processions of flower-laden barges and orgiastic ceremonies. Her festivals were licentious and quite popular.

  12. I do a lot of research into ghosts as a horror fiction writer and have heard - not necessarily that I believe it myself - that there are actually two "manifestations" of ghostly activity.  The first is actually caused by spirits, ghosts if you like, that inhabit a location.  In this case, I have never heard of any animals appearing as ghosts since animals apparently do not have souls or spirit beings in the same way that humans do.  The second is best described as being like a video tape recording.  If a certain place is subjected to repeated activity of the same type over a period of time it tends to "record" this activity and play it back for many years afterward.  It supposedly has something to do with ambient magnetism and physics that goes way over my head, but suffice to say that propenents of this thoery can make it sound pretty scientific.  Instances of this type of manifestation would be like an abandoned school where the sounds of children's voices can still be heard, or ghost ships that appear in hazardous shipping areas.  This cat and any associated physical manifestations of its presence may be of this second type.  Again, this is not something that I necessarily subscribe to, but it is something I can throw out there.

  13. me too

    my cat died two years ago and he regularly visits at nite

    my present cat stares into space and then i can feel him on the duvet and she jumps down from the cabinet to be with him

    or maybe its jealous to shoo him off

    i'll catch him out of the corner of my eye in my room  too

    and when we got his ashes i took a picture where we put him under his fav tree and there was this beautiful spiral orb there

    just awesome

    I miss him so but its nice to he has time to visit us still

  14. First of all , I believe in re-incarnation, but a human CANNOT become a cat in another life , like Wiccan R  said ! You can only come back as the same thing !  It sounds like the cat comes  to warn , ( the tragic death ) or comfort ( your surgery ) you ! I'm glad you are NOT afraid , most people are . I wish stuff like that would happen to me ! Although I believe things have to stay in their own species, in another life , it is possible that your mind interprets your  "messenger " as a cat because this is something you are comfortable with and do not fear ! It may not really be a cat , it can be your spirit guide , or guardian angel, portrayed to YOU as a cat . I hope you believe in GOD , if so , ask him to allow you to better understand your gift and messages ! Do you remember anything significant happening the other times, you saw the cat ? Even as a kid ?

  15. i don't think animals can be ghosts

  16. this is a sweet spirit which comes to comfort you in a time of stress. since you have an affinity for cats, that's why it manifests as a give comfort and not to frighten.

  17. Animals can become ghosts just like people can and for the sam reasons. It may have been a cat who lived in that house before or just an animal ghost that liked you and decided to take up with you.  Ghosts who were once human do not always haunt  places or people they lieve, most times they do, but sometimes they take up with people of like mind and temperment. Animals do that also. Have you ever been somewhere and a cat that you did not know come up to you and love on you? Ghost cats can do this also. Cats as you know are very sensitive to their owners feelings and this ghost cat seems to want to make you happy.

    You said you had three cats now, so I assume you know for sure this was not any of your cats. Read the articles in my sources and then go to the same website and read the other free articles they have. They are friendly folks if you email them they usually answer the same day.


  18. Something like this happened to me when I was around 12.

    The dog that we had since I was about 2 or 3 died when I was 12. At the time, we lived in this big house with a very long hallway and hardwood floors. When she was alive, we always knew where she was and where she was coming from because of the sound of her toenails clicking on the hardwood floor. After she died, we sometimes still heard the noise. I thought it was just our minds playing tricks on us, but then I moved to my grandparents' house, and when I came back to the house about a year later when my parents were selling it, I heard it again - even though I had forgotten all about it until hearing it again.

    I don't pretend to know what it was, but that's my story.
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