The following has been happening to me on and off since I was a kid (about 20 years...I'm 28 now). From time to time while I'm lying in bed I'll feel a VERY REAL sensation of a cat walking around in my bed, on top of the covers. It's never scared me, even when I was a's just strange. I've had people offer the idea that perhaps it's a pet that I had at one point in time. I do very much love animals (especially cats~I currently have three), but this began happening BEFORE I ever had a cat as a pet. It doesn't visit often, maybe just a few times a year. I've experienced it, so far, about 3 times in the past 12 months...the first time was while I was in the hospital the night before I underwent my first surgery, and recently twice within the past week (the first of those two visits was the night after I learned of a friend of the family's tragic death). Last night was the third time recently and I would just really like to hear some points of view or other's stories.Thx