
Animal Investigators/Control Officers Question-?

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I have a couple who are friends of mine who have purchased some horses in the past years who were usually underweight, bad hoof care etc. They get them back up to normal and everything is usually fine. They have been having horribleneighbor problems over the last several years regarding other matters, but usually its the neighbors calling every county agency on the friends for one reason or another and it always ends up unfounded. Well, the purchased a VERY underweight horse last month, and before they took it home, got a written statement from the seller, took pics of the horse while it was still on the sellers property, then drove it straight to the vet for necessary shots, work ups, etc, then took it by the local AC office to show the supervisor all their documents, pics, statement from the vet and the horse itself to cover themselves before they even took it home-assuming the neighbors would call AC on them. They did everything they could to cover themselves. More details...




  1. I'd march right back to AC with all my documentation (including a note from the vet) and speak with the same supervisor.

    I'd also call the DA's office and inquire about harassment charges against your neighbors, who seem intent on making your life miserable. If nothing comes of that, a nasty letter to them from your lawyer should make them leave you alone. Just be sure you've documented all they've done, with dates, times, and involved parties.

  2. It's called harassment...and the  neighbors should be put on notice by an attorney familiar with harassment/stalking problems that additional BS by them won't be tolerated.  It's pretty obvious that this is a horse that is new to the neighborhood...unless the neighbors are so totally brain dead they failed to recognize the fact....They need to have a talk with the sheriff's department about the ongoing problems with the neighbors.  It sure seems they had their bases covered...that should keep them out of trouble.  

    There are "mentals" in every neighborhood these days and you really have to cover your butt.   They can make your life h*ll.

    I would reiterate the fact that they made need the services of an attorney...the neighbors need a fist in their face since the obvious facts fly right by them....Animal Control also needs to be put on notice....honestly, considering what's being hired these days to feed at the public trough, I'm not surprised.....ACO needs a big wake up call.

  3. its awful that your freinds are being condemned for trying to help animals expecially those as intelligent and elegant as horses and i do understand what you mean about people who know nothing about horses sticking their ******* noses in i would advise them to file a harrasment case however i do not know the full story - never the less their negihbours sound like arseholes. sorry to hear about it :( good luck and i hope you bring the ******* down x*x

  4. I had the same thing happen to me. Exept non of my horses were ill. There were four horses in a pasture. One was 34, the other one had west nile a few years back. But our neighbors thought that we just werent feeding them.

    But instead of calling the AC on us they decided to take care of it them selves. People kept coming into the pasture, people we didnt know. And one day they showed up with two horse trailors. We called the cops they left. And then we moved them to our friends place for a month. And we got this thing that says its against the law for them to enter.

    Sure enough they left us alone.

    Your friend did the right thing by doing everything she did. If the AC doesnt return your phone call tell them to go straight to there office and talk to them about this.

    If they showed the person that came out that the horse has gone to the vet, and that was the way when you bought her, and that she is already gaining weight, then whoever is coming out should be fired.

    If i were your friend i would go to her neighbors door and tell them to stay away. First they cant be tacking pictures of there animals with out there consent.

    I would go to the police.

    I can see how they think that your friend isnt tacking care of the horse from it being under weight. But its not like your friend was the one that did it. They need tor relize that your friend is the one tacking care of the horse. And helping him.

    If they come by again get your vet on the phone and have them talk to her and have her prove that she is in good hands.

    BEST OF LUCK! i think your friend is awesome for helping these horses. and that people need to mind there own business

  5. Sometimes AC can be a real help and sometimes they can be a real pain.

    I've done my share of "rescues" and normally keep at least a day sheet on the horse I've rescued until at least the ribs have disapeared.

    Sounds like your friend's neighbor doesn't want horses next to their property and are trying to oust your friends out or at least force them to keep their horses elsewhere.

    Where I currently keep my crew, there's a neighbor war going on.  It's not fun to deal with and not fun to have to listen about it.  WHY can't folks all just get along???

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