
Animal Lover?

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One of my wishes is to play with wild animal babbies like tiger,lion, monkey, elephant etc. Does anyone know where can I do that ?




  1. hmmmm, idk if there is such thing, be a wild animal baby trainer!?

  2. alot of people say zoo becouse it's easy but u cant really play wit them becouse i went wit my friend who is 12 and they said srry we dont do that hear they said its to dangerouse they just give them a place to be safe and free food i dont really like zoo's that much

    u could go to a rescue place it depends were u live i know brockton and boston dosn't have any thing like that around here :( but umm ya try a rescue thing its like a sanctuary < i really have no clue how to spell it   like umm wildlife rescue or wildlife sanctuary there always looking 4 volunteers or workers and u can handle the animals even when they grow up becouse they will be used to humans and everything if u tell me wat state u live in i could google it 4 u or u could  well....umm good luck lol

  3. Become a vet, zoologist or zoo keeper. But you need to get proper training and it won't be easy.

  4. ıts fuuny to say but buy lıttlest or lıttle pet shop!!!!!of u dont lıke go and get a job ın cırces......or zoo!!!!!!!!!

  5. south africa. or aspca in big city or shelters near you can be best bet.

  6. possum

  7. you can get a job at the zoo. that would probably be the easiest way.

  8. u can work at an animal shelter...

    i love animals too

    i want to be a vet but im just scared i might do something wrong and hurt them by accident and if they die in my hands

    i will hate myself

    but if u loveeee animals u can make their lives better by becoming a vet and also treating them the way they should be...they shouldnt be treated unfairly just because they r animals i believe they should be treated the same as humans.. coz we're all living things besides we already eat and use some of them ( pigs cows horses) i think we owe them some gentleness and respect

  9. go into rehibillitaton! you can take care of baby lions, tigers, monkeys you name it! and it looks like a blast!

  10. No~where. As a zookeeper (which requires a degree and a lot of training before you actually work directly with animals) you would WORK with various species, not "play" with their babies. And there is nowhere you can just walk in and "play" with wild animals. Wild animals are called that for a reason. They're not for "playing" with. I love animals and I don`t like this post.

  11. owh..

    i luv elephant very much!


  13. start an wild safari animal refuge camp and shelter... then you can breed tigers and such to help almost extinct animals then once the babies are born you could entertain them... but uhh from the sounds of it you should go to college and get a degree or something first

  14. it mainly depends on your age

    .if you're underage(18 yrs.below),all you can do for now is to be an animal shelter could go to the nearest animal shelter and ask if they can give you a free job.they usually never let any underage to handle a big job like petting or taking are of a wild creature.but sometimes they do if they think you are good enough to handle them.

    if your legally mature(18 yrs.above),you may be a vet but of course,you must get a may also study a BS in animal psychology,behavior and any animal filed you are confortable with.

    there areother small options too for you:either get a job at the zoo as pet keeper or work at some sort of a circus.i am not kidding.

    but all these jobs need mature talents,passion,money and time for cannot qualify if you have none of these.

    i hope i helped!

  15. Maybe if you are a volunteer at a zoo you could.

  16. Become a Zoologist or a Vet

  17. where do u live?

  18. Become a zoo volunteer first, then go up from there. Most Zoos have volunteer programs. Also, some vets take care of wild animals, so you could look into that

  19. Nowhere.  As a zookeeper (which requires a degree and a lot of training before you actually work directly with animals) you would WORK with various species, not "play" with their babies.  And there is nowhere you can just walk in and "play" with wild animals.  Wild animals are called that for a reason.  They're not for "playing" with.

  20. Glad you love animals, but these are wild. You need proper training, and its dangerous. Don't know where you live but vet. or other schooling a good thing.

  21. at the zoo if you like animals alot

  22. da zoo !!!!!!!!!!

  23. get a job at a zoo...u can be a intern and work your way up. if ur a miner than zoos usually have programs 2 help kids get involved or like a jr zookeeper program. 1 warning...ur gonna start shoveling poo but if u want it bad enough and keep at it ull get 2 tigers and lions eventually
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