
Animal Lovers Help Please

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ok so Im here at my parents business right now and my dad had one of his workers set up traps around the shop because there was a raccoon. Me and my mom had gone to the back to go check on something and we found the baby raccoon stuck in the trap. My mom called the worker and left a voicemail on his phone saying the raccoon was caught but it was just a baby and so i let it out because it looked sad. My mom is fine with me doing that but if my dad finds out he will get mad becuase the raccoon was going through the trash and stuff. My mom said that she will tell my dad that i told her i saw the raccoon but i was just kidding. Is there any more other good excuses




  1. it depends what they were going to do with the raccon if they were going to hurt it more power to you if they were freeing it into a more wilderness lace..well better luck next time to them... fight the animal tamers dont let them hurt thoseracoons :))

  2. Well, don't lie. But if the traps are humane and won't kill the raccoon right away, then that's a step forward. If not, then talk your dad into buying humane ones. After that, tell him that you feel it's cruel just to kill them because they're trying to live. Whenever you catch one of the little bandits, take the whole trap somewhere else and release the critter. That way, it will get to live, but it won't bother the shop anymore. A small wooded area would be best, some way away from the shop. If they're getting inside somehow, then find out where and seal it up. Professional pest control places can be called as well, probably found in a phone book, but I can't guarantee that that's humane either.

  3. dude, all you had to do was release the raccoon back into the wildness in some other neighborhood). Ur dad would have love that!

  4. You should let the poor raccoon into the wild or else your father will be angry.  

  5. Just bring it in the woods and let it go if it can fend for its self. We found baby racoons with their eyes still closed. We bottle fed them till they were six months old then we sent them to be trained to live back in the wild. They were so much fun and hard to let go. Please don't kill them.

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