
Animal WORMS!! HELP!!?

by  |  earlier

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I took in three kittens and gave one away already. The one I decided to keep just hacked up really long worms, so I'm sure the other animals I have, have them now. I have no problem getting them tested and treated, but a sickening thought just occured... how will I know if my husband and I have them?? Is there any way to treat them without having to get tested... so embarrassing!!!




  1. Talk to the vet.  Some but not all parasites can be found in both humans and cats.  If the vet says it is possible for you to have these worms, see your physician for testing and treatment.  Doctors see a lot of things.  No reason for embarrassment.

    I am an RN.

  2. I don't think you or your husband have anything to be concerned about. Usually with parasitic worms you must have direct contact with the infected fecal matter or worms to catch them. (ie: accidental ingesting, gross I know.)

    Definitely get the kittens checked & treated ASAP, as worms can cause anemia. Discuss with your Vet your concerns of cross contamination and see what their opinion is.

    Good luck. :)

  3. if they have worms, it sounds like a flea infestation from the mother cat. you need to take them to the vet. it can lead to serious health problems for the kittens. just tell the vet you found them and took them in. sometimes the vets will give you a reduced price to treat them .

    the kittens can also have feline leukemia. safe yourself the heartache for losing them the hard way. take them to the vet.  

  4. It sounds like your kittens have roundworms. Almost all cats and dogs are born with worms, even if the mothers are dewormed regularly, this is why kittens and puppies must be dewormed at a young age as it can create some nasty nutritional deficiencies. I would highly suggest taking that one in to see the vet for a quick exam and some deworming medication, also ask for extras as you have more animals at home (ensure that they give you at least TWO doses, one now and usually one in two weeks and you can send it with the new owners). As for you or your husband having long as you were washing your hands properly after handling the kittens or any of their f***s or vomit, you should be just fine. However, if you have children or any elderly in your home, be extra cautious and schedule an appointment with your doctor. For the most part, many of us have been exposed to numerous parasites and have immunity against them, however, if you're young, old or immunocompromised (AIDS, HIV or undergoing cancer treatment) these can pose a certain risk. Most of the deworming medications for humans are just a small pill or a liquid, however, if your doctor is concerned, they will do an O and P (ova and parasite test) so they can identify the pathogen and treat you accordingly. I'm sure your fine though!

    Hope this helps!

  5. Unless you've eaten the eggs of the worms found in your kittens' poo or vomit, I doubt you and your husband have them. As long as you've practised good and standard hygiene, it's nearly impossible to get animal worms- like I said, you have to somehow consume the egg, not just be near the cats.

    I work in a pet shop with animals, and I've never even had the contagious skin disease ring worm, let alone digestive worms, ten times harder to catch.

  6. i doubt that you would have them.

    Go to your local cvs/rite aid/duane read for worm medicine if  u cant get to a vet.. but other than that I suggest a vet.

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