
Animal and auto racing?

by Guest66879  |  earlier

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I heard that during auto racing which took place somewhere recently, a kangaroo dashed in the race track and caused chaos.

Last week in the tv news, I heard only a bit about an upcoming auto race where they will set up some cages around the track.

So, they can prevent some type of animal from dashing into the track as did by the kangaroo. What type of animal are they trying to catch? Thanks




  1. This happens at many race tracks.  I know I've been driving up the back hill at Laguna Seca more than a few times only to be confronted by quail or other small animals on the track.

    Race tracks are not something most people would want in their neighborhood... as such, they are often in somewhat remote locations that still have a substantial amount of wild life.  And even those that are in urban areas are often put in spots that are more isolated from where people live, and again support more wildlife than you'd normally find in that environment (such as Montreal).

    As such, there is not alot you can do about the occassional small animal on track.  It happens.  The way to ensure it would never happen would be to remove all plants from the area and pave everything... effectively destroy the environment so it can not support animal life!  Of course, this would make the development of most tracks cost prohibitive, and it would also never pass an environmental impact report to get the permits... so, the end result is as I said before, it happens.  Not that often, but it does.

  2. Panda's.

  3. It is there in every F1 race driving the no.22 car...

  4. wild dogs .

  5. The race you are talking about is Canada. The track is located on some sort of island and there are lots of gophers or badgers roaming around and occasionally get on the track.  Last year two were run down during a race but luckily none were reported during sunday's race.

    There have also been stray dogs and wild animals like deer finding their way onto some tracks during a race and getting run over.

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