
Animal control finds dead cat?

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Theres something that has been bothering me for a realllly long time. I guess this is a 2 part question. I was unknowingly cruel to my cat when I was about 8-10 years old.. We kept him outside (cruelty #1) where other cats would take his food and he wouldnt eat some times (cruelty #2). I was afraid of him so i never went near him. I dont even understand why i got him home. I guess it was just the idea of having a cat. Then one day, he tried to come after us and there was a dog so he ran up our tree.. later on we left, and i heard that he ran after us and got ran over;(. He had a S****y life because of me:(... The thing I dont understand is that if he got ran over, he couldnt have just died right there automatically only getting hit once right? Then my neighbours found him and called animal control because we were out of town. What does animal control do with the cat they find there? Do they kill a cat if he looks alive or tries to find the owner? what happens to the dead cats body when the animal control takes him? Pet cemetary? It's been 10 years, and I'm still sick to my stomach thinking about how badly I treated him.. What do I do to make up for it?? I dont want this in my conscious anymore, but i also want His soul to be in peace..

Guilty yahoo user..




  1. nobody's perfect Mr.

  2. don't feel bad it was probably a lie that he got hit by a car i'm sure some one just took him in and he had a happy life think positive i know its hard to not regret the past but it is just the past its what u do with ur future that matters just do good things and be nice because if reincarnation is real u never know what that cat came back as maybe the cat u have now and this is just both ur second chance

                                                                    dont worry be happy

                                                                            cheers, Jen

  3. ehh don't worry about it. we all make mistakes.

    -work at an animal shelter.

    -take in stray cats and keep them.

    -if you are religious, pray for forgiveness.

    thats what i would do

  4. your cat is up in heaven now.Pray to God to forgive you and he will. tell him how sorry you are and you know it was a mistake. if your parents are upset,say that you are very sorry that _____ got hit and hope that they will forgive you. if your parents are caring they will forgive you

  5. If a cat has been hit by a car most likely there's internal bleeding and a lot of broken bones so little that can be done to save it.  If your cat was still alive when animal control found him then they would have taken him back to the shelter and humanely euthanized him.  Some animal care officers also carrying syringes with the euthanasia medicine in it so that the animal can be put down right away and won't have to suffer any further as they transport it back to the shelter.  The cat would then be put with other dead animals at the shelter and cremated by an external company that they use.

    As far as notifying owners, yes, back then they would have if the cat was wearing a collar with identification.  But if there's no identification the shelter's not going to waste their time putting up signs looking for someone - they'll just assume it was a stray or feral.  Nowadays you can get a cat microchipped which would enable the shelter to scan the cat and contact it's owner even if it wasn't wearing a collar.

    Make up for your mistakes of the past by giving a shelter cat a home.  Do everything right for this cat that you didn't do for the one you had as a child.  Keep it indoors where it's safe and shower it with love.  If you can't have a cat where you live them volunteer at a shelter.  Shelters need SO much help.  You can volunteer to clean cages and play with the animals to help socialize them.  You can help out at fundraising events.  If you're a good photographer you can volunteer to take pics of the adoptable cats for the shelter to put on  If your artistic you can sell artwork or music to benefit the shelter.  I have a CD single out that's made quite a bit of money for one local shelter here.

    I actually find it quite noble of you to admit to mistakes of your past and it's nice to see that as an adult you understand right and wrong when it comes to pets.  So stop knocking yourself.  Go pick out a cat to love!

  6. If the cat was alive they would try to find the owner. If the cat was dead then they probably just picked it up and cremated it. That is really sad. I'd feel really guilty if that happend to me.

    Maybe you should volunteer at an animal shelter so get some good karma.  

  7. you ***** why whould you do that to your poor cat  

  8. Everyone makes mistakes. dont worry. things happen. well when they find a dead cat they incerate it most of the time. and then do something with the ashes. but  i have alot of things im not proud of and what i dont like about my life. but your cat knew you always loved him.

  9. When a child is young, they don't know how to care for an animal, that should be left up to an adult. If an animal is found dead by Animal Control, it is disposed of. I'm sorry to say, they don't bury the animal in a pet cemetery, the city does not have the funds. But if an animal is found injured but still alive, they will nurse it back to health if the injuries are not too bad. If the owner can not be found, Animal Control will keep it and put it up for adoption.    

  10. First off, you were a little kid at the time and cannot be expected to be the only caretaker for an animal like that. Your parents should have watched over him and made sure he ate and got proper care.

    As far as animal control goes, if they find a badly injured animal with no collar or other identification (such as a number tattoo or microchip implant) who is suffering, they give them a sedative shot, then an injection into the vein of medicine that stops their heart and breathing. It ends their suffering quickly. Their body is then cremated.

    Now if the animal is injured and has tags or some way of being identified, they will give it medicine to treat the pain and try to find the owner.

    When I was little, I was playing with my pet parakeet (I was like 3 years old) and was "giving him a bath". Well I ended up drowning him, but it wasn't intentional. When I was older and realized what I had done, I was guilty for many years.

    But I have 4 rescued parakeets now, along with 4 rescued cats and a rescued dog. I made my peace with the keet I harmed (now over 30 years ago).

    You have a cat now who you love and care for. This is your living testamony to the cat you lost. If it still haunts you, make a donation in the name of the kitty from your childhood to the local animal shelter or other rescue organization. If you can't afford a donation, you can always take them food (they always need donated food!) or volunteer some time with them. Not only will you be honoring your kitty, you will be helping other animals have a chance to get a new home in a loving family.

    It's time to release your guilt, you were young and didn't know any better, and your parents didn't teach you at the time how to care for your kitty properly. I'm sure his spirit has long since forgiven you, and it's time for you to forgive yourself.  

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