
Animal cruelty or art?

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What was your reaction to reading the news that the crew at Eastenders had to put down a healthy dog recently to film the 'Wellard death' scene? The Daily Mail seemed to take the view that this was a necessary act to get the mood right for the scene, both for the viewer and also so the child actors crying was realistic. I disagree however and take the view that this was an appalling act of animal cruelty.




  1. Animal cruelty.

  2. was probably super imposed. They wouldn't do that!

  3. If the children are professional actors, they should be able to cry on cue. You are taught in theater class to think of your saddest memory and you can usually cry right on cue.

    Killing a healthy dog is totally unnecessary.

  4. this is animal curelty

    i dont watch this show

    i only watch abc

    andnow i will never even think about watching it and i dont think anyone else should

  5. That is cruel. I hadn't heard this, but I won''t be watching this. That is cruel for the children and the poor dog.

  6. How is killing a living thing art? It's animal abuse. The dog did not have a choice I'm sure it wanted to live. That person should be in jail. I'm sure they could have taught the dog to play dead. My cat plays dead all the time. Next time they should use their head before taking a live. It's not just an animal it has a family and feelings too.

  7. Please don't tell me you all believe this.

    Do you really think a TV show would put an animal to sleep just for viewing purposes?

    I think not!!

  8. I don`t believe it.  There are guidelines where you are not allowed to harm any animal in the making of any program.  If if was true PETA would be all over them and it would be splashed over every newspaper worldwide not just the Daily Mail.

  9. There are television rights which say that no animal is to be harmed.

    This is totally fake.

  10. I don't think it is true.
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