
Animal cruelty.?

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I am tired of animal cruelty. I am going to devote my life to helping animals. They have just as many rights as us. I wanna start a business. I will personally go out save animals get them all fixed up and kinda sell em to make a living. is this wrong to sell em? I wanna make a difference and at the same time make a living. How can i do this? And if i do do this how cna i get funding for the buidling? supplies,etc. I even heard of people going ahead and getting a "guard" dog to help them find and rescue these animals. how can i do any of this.




  1. it is NOT cruel: fix your broken vocab

    since the primary purpose of animal testing is to benefit people, and NOT to harm the animal for the sake of harm, it DOES NOT meet the definition of 'cruel'

    as animals do NOT have rights it's not rational for you to campaign thusly on their behalf


    "A right, properly understood, is a claim, or potential claim,

    that one party may exercise against another. The target against

    whom such a claim may be registered can be a single person, a

    group, a community, or (perhaps) all humankind. The content of

    rights claims also varies greatly: repayment of loans,

    nondiscrimination by employers, noninterference by the state, and

    so on. To comprehend any genuine right fully, therefore, we must

    know who holds the right, against whom it is held, and to what it

    is a right.

    Alternative sources of rights add complexity. Some rights are

    grounded in constitution and law (e.g., the right of an accused

    to trial by jury); some rights are moral but give no legal claims

    (e.g., my right to your keeping the promise you gave me); and

    some rights (e.g., against theft or assault) are rooted both in

    morals and in law.

    The differing targets, contents, and sources of rights, and their

    inevitable conflict, together weave a tangled web. Notwithstanding all

    such complications, this much is clear about rights in general: they

    are in every case claims, or potential claims, within a community of

    moral agents.  Rights arise, and can be intelligibly defended, only

    among beings who actually do, or can, make moral claims against one

    another. Whatever else rights may be, therefore, they are necessarily

    human; their possessors are persons, human beings. [p.865]

    The attributes of human beings from which this moral capability

    arises have been described variously by philosophers, both

    ancient and modern: the inner consciousness of a free will (Saint

    Augustine); the grasp, by human reason, of the binding character

    of moral law (Saint Thomas); the self-conscious participation of

    human beings in an objective ethical order (Hegel); human

    membership in an organic moral community (Bradley); the

    development of the human self through the consciousness of other

    moral selves (Mead); and the underivative, intuitive cognition of

    the rightness of an action (Prichard). Most influential has been

    Immanuel Kant's emphasis on the universal human possession of a

    uniquely moral will and the autonomy its use entails. Humans

    confront choices that are purely moral; humans -- but certainly

    not dogs or mice -- lay down moral laws, for others and for

    themselves. Human beings are self-legislative, morally

    auto-nomous [sic]. [p.865-866]

    Animals (that is, nonhuman animals, the ordinary sense of that

    word) lack this capacity for free moral judgment. They are not

    beings of a kind capable of exercising or responding to moral

    claims. Animals therefore have no rights, and they can have

    none. This is the core of the argument about the alleged rights

    of animals. The holders of rights must have the capacity to

    comprehend rules of duty, governing all including themselves. In

    applying such rules, the holders of rights must recognize

    possible conflicts between what is in their own interest and what

    is just. Only in a community of beings capable of

    self-restricting moral judgments can the concept of a right be

    correctly invoked.

    Humans have such moral capabilities. They are in this sense

    self-legislative, are members of communities governed by moral

    rules, and do possess rights. Animals do not have such moral

    capacities. They are not morally self-legislative, cannot

    possibly be members of a truly moral community, and therefore

    cannot possess rights. In conducting research on animal subjects,

    therefore, we do not violate their rights, because they have none

    to violate.

    To animate life, even in its simplest forms, we give a certain

    natural reverence. But the possession of rights presupposes a

    moral status not attained by the vast majority of living

    things. We must not infer, therefore, that a live being has,

    simply in being alive, a "right" to its life. The assertion that

    all animals, only because they are alive and have interests, also

    possess the "right to life" is an abuse of that phrase, and

    wholly without warrant.

    It does not follow from this, however, that we are morally free

    to do anything we please to animals. Certainly not. In our

    dealings with animals, as in our dealings with other human

    beings, we have obligations that do not arise from claims against

    us based on rights. Rights entail obligations, but many of the

    things one ought to do are in no way tied to another's

    entitlement. Rights and obligations are not reciprocals of one

    another, and it is a serious mistake to suppose that they are.

    .... Plainly, the grounds of our obligations to humans and to

    animals are manifold and cannot be formulated simply. Some hold

    that there is a general obligation to do no gratuitous harm to

    sentient creatures (the principle of nonmaleficence); some hold

    that there is a general obligation to do good to sentient

    creatures when that is reasonably within one's power (the

    principle of beneficence). In our dealings with animals, few will

    deny that we are at least obliged to act humanely -- that is, to

    treat them with the decency and concern that we owe, as sensitive

    human beings, to other sentient creatures. To treat animals

    humanely, however, is not to treat them as humans or as the

    holders of rights.

    A common objection, which deserves a response, may be paraphrased

    as follows:

    "If having rights requires being able to make moral claims, to

    grasp and apply moral laws, then many humans -- the

    brain-damaged, the comatose, the senile -- who plainly lack those

    capacities must be without rights. But that is absurd. This

    proves [the critic concludes] that rights do not depend on the

    presence of moral capacities."

    This objection fails; it mistakenly treats an essential feature of

    humanity as though it were a screen for sorting humans. The capacity

    for moral judgment that distinguishes humans from animals is not a

    test to be administered to human beings one by one. Persons who are

    unable, because of some disability, to perform the full moral

    functions natural to human beings are certainly not for that reason

    ejected from the moral community.  The issue is one of kind. Humans

    are of such a kind that they may be the subject of experiments only

    with their voluntary consent. The choices they make freely must be

    respected. Animals are of such a kind that it is impossible for them,

    in principle, to give or withhold voluntary consent or to make a moral

    choice. What humans retain when disabled, animals have never

    had. [p.866]

    A second objection, also often made, may be paraphrased as


    "Capacities will not succeed in distinguishing humans from the

    other animals. Animals also reason; animals also communicate with

    one another; animals also care passionately for their young;

    animals also exhibit desires and preferences. Features of moral

    relevance - rationality, interdependence, and love -- are not

    exhibited uniquely by human beings.  Therefore [this critic

    concludes], there can be no solid moral distinction between

    humans and other animals."

    This criticism misses the central point. lt is not the ability to

    communicate or to reason, or dependence on one another, or care

    for the young, or the exhibition of preference, or any such

    behavior that marks the critical divide. Analogies between human

    families and those of monkeys, or between human communities and

    those of wolves, and the like, are entirely beside the

    point. Patterns of conduct are not at issue. Animals do indeed

    exhibit remarkable behavior at times. Conditioning, fear,

    instinct, and intelligence all contribute to species

    survival. Membership in a community of moral agents nevertheless

    remains impossible for them. Actors subject to moral judgment

    must be capable of grasping the generality of an ethical premise

    in a practical syllogism. Humans act immorally often enough, but

    only they -- never wolves or monkeys -- can discern, by applying

    some moral rule to the facts of a case, that a given act ought or

    ought not to be performed. The moral restraints imposed by humans

    on themselves are thus highly abstract and are often in conflict

    with the self-interest of the agent. Communal behavior among

    animals, even when most intelligent and most endearing, does not

    approach autonomous morality in this fundamental sense. [p.866-867]

    Genuinely moral acts have an internal as well as an external

    dimension.  Thus, in law, an act can be criminal only when the

    guilty deed, the actus reus, is done with a guilty mind, mens

    rea. No animal can ever commit a crime; bringing animals to

    criminal trial is the mark of primitive ignorance. The claims of

    moral right are similarly inapplicable to them.  Does a lion have

    a right to eat a baby zebra?  Does a baby zebra have a right not

    to be eaten? Such questions, mistakenly invoking the concept of

    right where it does not belong, do not make good sense. Those who

    condemn biomedical research because it violates "animal rights"

    commit the same blunder." [p. 867]


    Carl Cohen. "The Case for the Use of Animals in Biomedical

    Research" The New England Journal of Medicine 315, no. 14

    (October 2,1986): 865-69.

  2. I love the idea!  But where to start?  Is it going to be an animal shelter?  Will it be a no-kill shelter?  Or will it just be like a website where people can get matched up with pets?

    In my opinion, the best place to start would be to talk to people who have made a success of this kind of venture.  Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab, Utah comes to mind.  Out of all the no-kill shelters, these guys have it down to an art!  

    At first, I'm sure you'll be depending on donations.  People donating time and money to help your cause.   While I don't think it's "wrong" to sell the rescued pets, I think it would be a better idea to offer them free to good homes (after LOTS of screening) and just let the people donate.  With the dog I adopted from Best Friends the adoption fee would have been about $100.  That would have covered his neutering surgery, microchip, etc.  As it was, after seeing the facility and all the wonderful people and pets, I donated a little more than the fee would have been.  That was four years ago.  I still send donations in my "little man's" name every month.  On the other hand, just because someone can't afford a large donation doesn't mean that they couldn't provide a wonderful, loving home to some poor abused animal.

    As far as a dog to help you find and rescue these animals, I think one will present himself.  I also think it will be one YOU rescued!

    This will be a huge job.  Good luck and bless you for wanting to get into this line of work!


    How great that you know what you want to do in life at such a young age!  I'd definately start with contacting some of the no kill shelters and seeing how they got their start.  I already mentioned Best Friends.  Another good one is North Shore Animal League.  I think both of those places have people who live right there in the facilities.  As far as your own home town goes, have you offered to volunteer at the Humane Society or in a nearby vet's office?  Until you can realize your dream of your own shelter, you can do sooooo much good in your spare time.  And gain the experience you're going to need.

    Again, Good Luck!!!  I admire you so much for having this goal!

  3. animals do not have as many rights as us. can they vote? can they buy and sell goods? can they own property? i can go on but i won't. about the other stuff, as long as you are alright with not making much money then i don't see why you couldn't make a living doing this. you'd have to get a veterinarians degree though, i would think.
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