
Animal drug testing??????

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i need ideas about animal drug testing 4 skul and im a con.

i don't like animals getting tested on but i don't really kno how 2 explain y it's bad.

i need help!!!




  1. its horrible. animals are tortured more than any human could ever imagine. they have chemicals pored into their eyes, needles stuck in them, and other things i would rather not go into. they ussually spend their entire lives being tortured and never even seeing the light of the sun so that we can have things like mascara, shampo, and other things that we barley even notice in our daily lives. : (

  2. Well you can look it up on wiki

  3. I can't help you explain why it's bad.  I will, however, give you one example of why it's necessary.

    In the case of the human immune system, the fetus in the womb doesn't have a mature immune system.  It only develops enough of an immune system to fight off parasites if they manage to get past the mother's defenses.  During the last trimester, the side of the immune system that has to fight off bacteria and viruses starts to develop.  It has to do a whole lot of things such as learn what's a virus and what type, learn what's a bacteria and what type, and learn what is actually part of itself.  If at any point in time during that period of developing the other side the immune system is damaged, the child may have any number of illnesses for life...anything from multiple allergies to childhood leukemia.

    The ONLY way to adequately test drugs and chemicals on a developing immune system to see if they do damage to the immune system without destroying it is to use animals.  You have to have a living, working immune system that is developing as one would in a human to see how it reacts to a toxin.  

    You really should look at both sides of the issue and think hard before you out of hand decide you don't like animals being tested on.  We can't take human babies and expose them to toxins to find out if they'll be harmed or not.  Yet, drugs and chemicals are on the market right now that scientists are pretty certain are causing childhood leukemia, asthma, allergies, multiple slerosis, etc.  Many of these illnesses are life threatening.  Others produce much lower quality of life all throughout the person's life.  

    Like it or not, there is still not a computer model that can mimic the developing immune system.

  4. Animal experimentation is a scientifically invalid practice. Data from animal studies can't be reliably applied to humans. Animals are different from humans in a number of significant ways --  anatomically, genetically, immunologically, physiologically, etc. So animals are inaccurate models for studying human disease. Animal experimentation sidetracks medical progress and wastes vauable time, talent and resources.

    There are alternatives to testing on animals in most cases. One example is in-vitro studies, where experiments are performed on cell and tissue cultures, instead of on animals. Other examples: autopsy studies, clinical observation, and epidemiology (the study of the incidence of disease within segments of the human population). New technologies, like computer simulations, mathematical modeling, and diagnostic imaging, are very promising.

    You could mention that the Animal Welfare Act doesn't apply to mice, rats, and birds. As a result, there are NO federal restrictions on what can be done to these animals in research labs.

    Here's a good quotation you can use:

    “You do not settle whether an experiment is justified or not by merely showing that it is of some use. The distinction is not between useful and useless experiments, but between barbarous and civilized behaviour.” - George Bernard Shaw

    Here's more information:

    Good luck!

  5. They take a group of young healthy animals and give them a condition like cancer or heart disease through surgery or some other means.  Then treat half of them with the new drug and leave half untreated as a control.  It is the only viable way to test new drug because...

    There are not enough sick people to test drugs at the early stages animal testing is done.  You need lots of test subjects to get good results at that stage.  And even if there were enough subject getting them to volenteer would be hard to imposible.  Nobody in their right mind would want to be exsperimented on unless they were dying anyways.  

    And even if you created sick people the same way they create sick animals by using prisoners or buying slaves in a third world countries the results would be less usefull because there are too many variables.  Lab animals used in tests are the same age and genetically simmilar.  

    All this is done before clinical tests on humans are aproved.  Drug are not like cosmetics, you need to test them on a whole organism not just a single tissue.  From now until they develop computer models good enough to simulated every cell in a whole human being that is the only way new drugs can be developed.

  6. First learn to spell school.  Then figure out that humans are way way more valuable then animals so if you can save one human and have to kill 100 animals to do it then it's worth it.

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