
Animal farm?best answer wins 10 points?

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explain the scene of how ironic the scene of pigs sitting at a card game with humans? whats a good topic sentence for this a STRONG ONE




  1. Well, I haven't read animal farm for about 5 years, but that's pretty much the pivotal scene of the entire book.

    Think about it for a sec. They attempted to create a eutopian society where the animals would all be equal instead of subservient to the humans. However, through the course of the book, the pigs break all of their own rules and eventually become what they had rebelled against.

         The story is an allegory of Soviet Totalitarianism. The russians believed in the ultimate equality. Remember the quote "All animals are created equal" which later becomes "all animals are created equal, but some are created more equal than others". People though born equal will not remain that way. Someone will always seek power. It's the way of the world.


    Do you understand what the irony is? The entire story cycled back to the beginning. The pigs became the humans and as they sat around the card table no one could see the difference between the two.

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