
Animal lovers: Is this really true? :(

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I'm shocked. Someone tell me this HAS to be a horrible rumor or something!




  1. Yeah it's true. PETA kills more animals than they help. They want everyone to be vegetarian and not have pets or support any kind of activity where animals are used. Just because you're an animal lover doesn't mean you have to support or agree with PETA. A lot of new vegetarians support PETA without realizing what it's all about because it promotes vegetarianism.

  2. I want to see the link but am unable to,i would cry.

  3. You need to remember that PETA gets involved in extreme abuse situations where the animals are severely injured, cannot be placed in homes etc. They go into slaughter facilities where chickens are being drop kicked against walls, where hamsters are being bred in such deplorable conditions that hundreds have wettail etc. They rescue downed animals (animals taken to slaughter houses that cannot walk and therefore cannot be eaten - they are left lying on the ground to die). In other words, PETA steps in and deals with the most extreme forms of abuse.

    Animals that are extremely sick, injured, dying, that cannot be adopted out etc. are better off being humanely euthanized. At the same time, PETA is also working very hard to prevent animals from being in these circumstances. If you look at the percentage of animals killed at animal shelters, the percentages are comparable except that shelters get a higher percentage of animals that are adoptable where the owner simply cannot keep them but still cares about them (IN Atlanta, the kill rates for the various shelters range from 65-85%, but again, they are not rescuing downed animals, animals at slaughter facilities etc.). It is absolutely deplorable that this many animals have to be euthanized, however the fault rests with the people who injured, abused and damaged these animals. It is NOT better for them to suffer and die in the abusive situations in which they find themselves.

    PETA does NOT demand that everyone become a vegetarian or vegan. They make information about vegetarianism available on their website for those who are interested enough to seek it out. Many people who truly care about animals prefer to live in such a way that they do not contribute to the abuse and slaughter of animals. For other people, they feel that animals are raised for this purpose. Making information available in a passive way (providing a link on your webpage) is not an extremist position. It is not forcing anyone to adopt your lifestyle. It simply reflects the majority position of animal rights activists.

    You need to read the entire passage on PETA's stance on pets, not just cherry pick out the passages you want. They state that it WOULD have been better if we had not created a class of animals (domesticated pets) who now cannot survive on their own while at the same time, the humans who domesticated them so often fail to provide for them. They are not calling for the abolition of all pets. Think about the specialized breeding and inbreeding that goes into creating different dog breeds. In dalmatians, the result is an extremely high percentage of dogs that are born deaf. Breeders routinely kill deaf puppies - all for the sake of having a dog with spots. That is what they are talking about.

    Here is the reality of it - one dog in 50 finds a permanent home. It is even fewer for cats. They want spaying and neutering because not only do shelters now have the endless task of frantically placing as many as they can and then killing the MAJORITY of the rest, but many animals end up killed in horrible ways. It is common for people to throw unwanted litters out onto the highway so that cars kill the puppies or kittens. So much so that the city of Austin TX put up billboards on the highway offering rewards to anyone reporting it. So again - the bad guy here are these miserable idiots who don't take responsibility - who dump their animals, dump unwanted litters, refuse to get their pets neutered, who treat their pet worse than they treat their property..

    PETA is organized and cares enough to set up sting operations like the one that got KFC's chicken supplier busted for horrible animal cruelty. They do not advocate violence - they basically provide information that enables individuals to get active in animal rights issues at a grass roots level. Are there people who go too far? Of course. Anyone who wants to can claim to be a member of PETA in order to claim some organized legitimacy, but just because an extremist claims he is a PETA member does not mean he represents the views of the organization. You should go to the PETA website for yourself and see the kinds of activities that they actually encourage.

  4. No, it's not a rumor.. The two employees actually were brought to court about it, but, with PETA's expensive legal team they managed to get away with not being charged with animal cruelty despite the fact they illegally used prescriptions drugs to euthanize animals in the back of their van.

    PETA states that they were taking the animals to prevent them from being killed by gas chamber and instead killing them more humanely, but, one of the places they took the kittens they killed from was a vet's office that planned to adopt them out. They only gave them to PETA because PETA said they would find them homes. The vet's office would have been much more qualified to humanely euthanize then a couple PETA technicians.

    What you have to understand is, PETA doesn't believe that pets are happy with people. PETA does not see the pet/human bond as being anything more then slave/master..

    Here's PETA's stance on pets..

    "We at PETA very much love the animal companions who share our homes, but we believe that it would have been in the animals' best interests if the institution of "pet keeping"—i.e., breeding animals to be kept and regarded as "pets"—never existed."

    "In a perfect world, animals would be free to live their lives to the fullest, raising their young and following their natural instincts in their native environments. Domesticated dogs and cats, however, cannot live “free” in our concrete jungles, so we are responsible for their care. People with the time, money, love, and patience to make a lifetime commitment to an animal can make an enormous difference by adopting an animal from a shelter or rescuing an animal from a perilous



    Basically, they're not going to go around rounding up and killing owned pets, but, one of their main goals is to gradually eliminate pets. They cannot eliminate the meat industry without eliminating first the carnivores we keep as pets.  

  5. yeah it was on the news so it has to be

  6. Look, just because you're an animal lover, you don't have to support PETA.

    Yes, it is true.

    In case you haven't worked it out for yourself, hear this- PETA IS AN EXTREMIST GROUP.

    They want everyone to be vegetarian- or even better, vegan- and no-one to have pets or use animals in any way. They haven't exactly hidden that. They also brain wash kids and tell them their parents are murderers.

    So yes, it is true, and PETA is an extremist, hypocritical group.

  7. PETA are terrorists.  They are wicked people who lie and deceive people.  We need to be educated about PETA and what exactly they stand for.  They are no good.

  8. s but true................. yes..............

  9. OMG that is sooo sad and wrong! what is wrong with ppl these days?

  10. Omg, i've always thought PETA was abit over the top .. but still supported them ..

    they did some pretty extreme and wacky things ..

    but all in the intrest of the animals right?

    Well i guess not ..

    omg that is so shocking!!!!!

    Btw, can someone explain the article ..

    i get that they killed most of their animals ..

    but does anyone know more details?

    Like did they have them humanly euthanised ..

    Still awful..but atleast the animals wouldnt have died horrifically!!

    God, PETA are such hypocrits!!! The amount of petitions and stuff i've signed .. arghh i can't believe i supported them  

  11. If the website has proof, the case is true.

  12. OMG thats so sad! But I guess it is true!

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