
Animal products don't discust me?

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Am I the only one that isnt totally discusted by the though of meat or animal products? Many people seem to be so discusted by it that the thought of it makes them want to vomit. I read and see and hear all about cow pus and things like that but it doesnt bother me at all. The fact that the animals are being treated cruel bothers me but the actual idea of where meat and animal products come from doesnt.

I have compassion for animals and dont want them to suffer and support both vegetarianism and veganism. But the reason isn't because its "gross".

Anyone else feel similar?




  1. Exactly.

  2. I feel exactly the same way!

    I am a vegan and am absolutely horrified with all the cruelty and suffering going on, but I don't really get a weak stomach when thinking about meat or milk products. I am the only vegan in my entire family, there aren't even any vegetarians. So when my family eats meat around me I don't get grossed out. I suppose it's because I'm used to it. But this doesn't mean that I'm open to eating it, because I am most certainly not. Lol :) It's strange because if I saw someone slaughtering or beating an animal, I would probably get extremely sick. Just the thought of someone being cruel to an animal like that is disgusting. But if I think about a piece of steak or bacon, I don't get sick to my stomach or even grossed out. I don't crave it or anything, but I don't think it's gross either. Isn't that strange? Well anyways you are not alone and it's okay to not get grossed out, there is nothing wrong with you. Well hope I helped and good luck :)

  3. i eat meat and i am not vegetarian .. it does disgust me sometimes though. i can not eat a huge hunk of makes me sick.

  4. I understand what you're saying.I didn't become a vegan because animal products disgust me.But now that I am a vegan the thought of me eating animal products does disgust me.Theres no possibility that I will eat animal products now so theres no reason for me to be disgusted by them.

  5. My  family  lived  on  a  farm  the  first  7  yrs. of  my  life.  With  the  help  of  friends,  neighbors  and  relatives,  my  dad  slaughtered  hogs  in  the  winter  and  we  often  had  wild  duck  and  squirrel  to  eat.  And  all  the  fish  we  could  catch out  of  the  rivers,  creeks  and  near by  lakes.  We  smoked  our  hams  and  sausages.  Grew  our  own  vegetables  and  had  fruit  orchards  plus  pecan  trees.  I  have  memories  of  making  homemade  Ice Cream  b/f  I  ever  ate  any of  the  frozen  kind  you  got  at  the  Soda  Fountain  at  the  drugstore.  

    So,  I  cannot  imagine  sitting  down  at  the  dinner  table  to  eat  and  not  having  some  kind  of  meat.

  6. There is nothing disgusting about 99% of the meat products we buy.

    It is that 1% which are not slaughtered humanely that keeps the activists moaning, but at the same time doing a good job.

    They point out the inhumane treatment that some animals receive and bring it to public attention.

    Many of them are so blinkered that what they see on a small scale, they think applies everywhere.

  7. Both the sight and smell disgust me.

  8. I've only been disgusted by the way that meat, dairy and eggs are produced.

    People that say they are disgusted by those things are usually just trying their best to be dramatic.

    Even so, I would still never eat them even if they came from celestial animals that were worshiped by magical fairies and begged me to consume their products.

  9. well i understand what your talking about because i feel the same way about when i see meat i mean i dont have any violent tendencies but i guess if you grow up seeing you become desensitised to it and then when you become a vegetarian / vegan it will only make you really uncomfortable if you like think of the torture the animal went through when you see a slab a meat but i try to just by-pass looking at meat best i can so i dont conger those images up

  10. Meat is gross.  But even if it wasn't, I'd still be against it.

  11. A visit to a slaughter house would certainly change your mind.

  12. I am a vegan and I don't want to contribute to animal cruelty.  So yeah meat does disgust me.  The idea of cow pus is disgusting to me.  Animals are injected with hormones and antibiotics.  That isn't what I want to be putting in my body.

  13. For some reason the stuff about milk and pus doesn't bother me much....but the thought of meat makes my stomach turn.  I guess because I equate meat with pain.......

  14. true

  15. Personally, I think it's pretty gross.

  16. I try not to think of it

  17. I love yogurt and that will never change if I become a vegetarian LOL

  18. I almost wanted to clap!!! Great question.

    To say you're not eating meat because "it is gross" would trivialise your conviction if you are really not eating it for more noble means than simply its flavour.

    Congratulations for doing more for the vege-cause than simply doing the right thing yourself !!! By not pronouncing meat a "disgusting" but as an ethical (& environmental) dilemma you better represent the cause and may influence others (omnis) to eats less meat or become vegetarians too!! (yay)

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