
Animal question? please?

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if rabbits and guinea pigs have never lived together before are you able to put them in together?...what is the likeliness that they will fight?..any experienced people out there, opinions wanted thanx




  1. if you put them both toghther at a young age and they are the same gender then yes but if they are older its best not to keep them together.

    Hope this helped

  2. The guinea pig association recommend that people don't keep guinea pigs and rabbits together what so ever.

    Although many people have kept them together in the past and many people still think they can live together, it is not advisable.

    They may get on well if they are introduced at a young age but, there are still plenty of risks. The rabbit can unintentially hurt or injure the guinea pig quite easily. If it kicks out in temper or dominance or even because it's hopping around in excitement, it could cause a lot of damage to a guinea pig that will be a lot smaller than a fully grown rabbit.

    It is safer to keep them with their own kind and is still advisable that they are introduced to one another at a young age.

  3. You should NEVER keep rabbits and guinea pigs together.

    Not only is there a high chance of them fighting, but also the guinea pig may get accidentally injured by the rabit, like twice the size of them, just from the rabbit playing- also, rabbits carry a disease which doesn't effect them, but when it becomes a virus, it's passed on to the guinea pig and is quickly fatal.

    So long and the short of it- do NOT keep them together.

    (Short and sweet reasons not to keep them together.)

    So unless you want a seriously injured or dead guinea pig- most likely to suffer- then you shouldn't keep them together.

  4. As far as I know, Rabbits can be temper mental animals. If this is really something you want to try, I would ask a vet perhaps?  

  5. What are u a farmer !! anyway ..

    i dont believe they'll fight .. eww i hate pigs !!  

  6. I had a rabbit and guinea pig that lived together for years. and I also had a cat that raised a baby bunny that the mother kicked out of the nest.  good luck

  7. I had guinea pigs then got a rabbit and they all lived together happily. The rabbit kicked the guinea pigs out of the hutch to start with (literally booted them out!) but then they were fine.

    Maybe you could put them in and see how they get on, if they start to fight split them up again. Mine liked having company and I know other people who had rabbits and guinea pigs living together with no problems.  

  8. its not advirsable to keep rebbits and guinea pigs togher and many rescues, societs and shops now tell people not to.

    I had a male rabbit with a guinea pig and they only fell out once BUT he was kept with the g-pigs in the shop when he was young cos the other rabbits kept attacking him.

    Once he died (he had a genetic prob and became paralised and that was why the other rabits kept attacking him as the know something was wrong with him) we were given a female rabbit and her any my guinea pig HATED each other.

    so its best to keep them is seperat hutches and you can take them out and let the run around togher out side while your superviseing them.

  9. it wont be a problem i had a guinea pig and my friend had a rabbit we both put them on a patch of green and they started to playfully chase each other ....nothing should happen unless your rabbit or guinea pig have a bad temperament against other animals guinea pig was fine with the rabbit

  10. Would you put a fox and dog in a cage together?

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