
Animal right?

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Animals used in scientific experiments should be well regulated and conducted humanely and only when there is no alternative. am i right? what your opinion?




  1. um.?

  2. if animal testing has to be used at all it should be as a last alternative. its not right to inject or put somthing on an animal that could hurt it or even kill it. that is my opinain.

  3. Well yes they should try to be as humanely as possible because hurting animals is wrong.

    But then again we wouldn't have many of the modern medicines that we have today.

  4. you are completely right!

    but so many poeple make petitions and stuff like that , and they still ARENT working!

  5. ...we wouldnt have many of the modern medicines that are bad for us and most of us shouldnt use? im not comfortable using something that has to be tested. and its a terrible thing to do to animals. but yes, life or death its nessesary.

  6. If it's on a product that is not life altering (like shampoo or deodorant) then animal testing should not be done at all, there are many alternatives that these companies can use...if it's for allopathic medicine, then animal testing should be used if there are no alternatives, and yes, it should be done humanely and with the lest possible torture and pain to the animal.
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