
Animal rights jobs in the UK?

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I would love to work in animal rights whether it's full time, part time, volunteer work, paid work, or whatever. I'd just like to be able to make a difference, but I have absolutely no idea how to get into it. If anyone could give me some information on this I'd be really grateful. Thank you :)




  1. I saw a job advertised in the slaughterhouse yesterday, funny enough. It was for an electrical probe operator- would you be interested? I can forward details if you are. Best of luck in your serch for work.

  2. I see a few people have suggested working for the RSPCA on here! This is not in any way an animal rights job! One of the main duites of an RSPCA inspector is to inspect slaughter houses!!!! Obviously this is to make sure that they comply to RSPCA standards of being killed in a "humane way"!

    Most if not all animal rights jobs will be voluntary. There are always plenty of positions availiable at animal shelters, kennels, charity shops (try PDSA).

    Have a look at the websites below. Good luck!

  3. you should try out at your local shelter. they are usually really happy for volunteers to help them out. its a good place to start as it will look good on your cv if your planning to work with animals permanently, and it shows you have made efforts to gain experience doing what you love.

    you can also ask around at stables or rescue barns if they need help. helping abused horses is really worthwhile, as i dont think they receive as much publicity as other cruelty cases. (what i mean is the adverts on television are for 'sponsor a dog' etc. though there is the ILPH).

    as you are in the uk, and if your looking for more permanent work, get involved with larger animal charities. im not to sure but i dont see why they would ever turn down someone willing to help out.

    work at the zoo but make sure it isnt an entertainment zoo, try and find a conservation park type and work there.

    for a job, there are loads of options. i dont know what age you are so im guessing.... your between 18-30? so for a job study veterinary science. helping hurt/sick animals is always a good thing. you could also become a vet for animal humane societies. for example, an animal charity which brings in stray/lost/abused etc animals (i.e RSPCA) and treat those animals.

    anyway there are still a lot more options to choose from, but i couldnt list them all. watch the news or channels like animal planet for job ideas, or just google some ideas.

    im so glad there are people like you!!! i really want to also get involved with work with animals but im only 15 so there arent many places willing to employ me yet.

  4. join the rspca

  5. Exactly, if we all work for the RSCPA we could plant safety and health violations everywhere!

    No slaughterhouse would survive!

  6. Animals have only the right to be delicious

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